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RE: Creating Decentralized Social Media - Let's Talk About It

in Threespeak3 years ago

Brilliantly said Nate! Love it!

My favorite part of your comment:

...centralization pisses on us all day and calls it rain,

Hello! That's exactly it isn't it!? To many people have gotten used to the "rain" of BS and that's another reason why Hive is my home and the battle is won... I no longer have to stand out there and pretend everything's fine. I can proactively do something about it... from the safety and strength of a decentralized future. That's worth building on... and it's worth finding common ground and sticking together too.

Thank you for being on the frontlines for freedom with us my friend!

It's been a little while since I talked with you last.

Saw you dropping into the comments here so I thought I would say something to renew our connection! 🙌

I hope that you (and your family) are well!



I just turned 49 so I posted that on my Facebook Page, not to say I have a flat stomach but as a matter of art, our bodies are a symbol of our life style or environment, which is why I look the way I do. In 2021 it is Survival of the Fittest and sometimes not one Fuck is given, its been that way since the early 2000's that I can remember and has gone progressively worse with time. If I was successful enough to indulge myself would I look like this? Considering the Baby Boomers who are still in charge sold out generations to have to work until 70 to get Full Social Security benefits while they all retired in their early 60's during the best economic times of a generation, How do you fuck that up? Decentralization fixes everything. It is Universal Karma against Predatory Centralized Finance and the Global Oligarchs it supports. I almost don't care if Hive doesnt go mainstream. It's proven itself and has the perfect Global Harmony unlike anything I ever seen. Its a race to Decentralize. If SPT hits .25 Hive there will be Fireworks going off in my head! Everything is crazy AF but improving.

You look like a R.O.C.K. G.O.D. Nate Powers!🤘

Yes... life etches itself upon our souls and our bodies too! The peaceful times of youth can harden into determined flint igniting passion and determination all rolled into one like a hot flame.🔥

I am a hiker. I’ve hiked the west coast trail (75km along the west coast of Vancouver Island) twice now. Last time I was there I was noting nature as I went. Scraggly trees clinging to the side of a rocky ocean view. I stepped onto some muscles that were clinging en mass to the side of a rocky shoreline, waves pounding incessantly. Scanning the horizon the vast waterways surged around me. Rip channels rushing from land out to sea dragging everything with it. Killer whales hunted seals in a dance of life and death... and it was all happening like a life and death blender out there in front of me. ☠️

With that context I’ve realized very clearly that this is how life is... we have all jumped out of the airplane without our parachutes on. And much of our life experiences are just coming to grips with how life has been setUP and how that, in itself, implicitly influences how people, infinite souls trapped in finite earth suits, think about the world... and their place within it.

It also determines (unconsciously?) how we treat each other and our very construct of the world. If I didn’t know better... I would even think the world was doing 2 things simultaneously! (And perhaps it is!) It’s trying to ambivalently sustain me... while also attempting to kill me off! (Now what does that say about the idea of a creator... if all of this beautiful madness was truest created! Sobering thought? Yes!) All you have to do is stand outside in a -40 C winter to realize this like clear ice. 🧊 We ain’t getting out of this one alive!

So this is our birthright... and one does or should not walk into this storm with ones eyes shut but open. The strong and tough do survive... but the kind... they thrive. Kindness flies in the face of all that terror happening at our feet. It is our higher nature that lifts us UP above it all... we are flying at 50,000 feet.

And those who design slave systems for their fellow human beings... they crawl UPon the ground... it’s implicit message written UPon their hearts defining their works UPon the world. The unenlightened... the unhealthy among us dictating the code we govern ourselves by...

But I do believe a new golden age is coming... an enlightened existence. But we are going to have to stand together and show the world another way... built upon cryptography.