Let's Get Started

in Threespeak4 years ago

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

dpoll what we want what & what we don't want

seen a lot of things from centralization to removing the reward pool etc.

negative during downtimes avoid this, fail forward, put the shit on the table, say it smells, and work to clean it up. Bitching without action is worthless.

I'm the harshest optimist, point of issues but solve them

a lot of these projects that popped recently are new and the older ones almost died at one point.

if you have an opinion put it out there.

▶️ 3Speak


All about motivational. Your voice has power to motivate. I was just listening and attention was not broken with the words like

  • Lets broken, not to repair
  • Early leave is the best, not late
  • Community is the power
  • Now light in the technology and without internet it means...
  • Incurred short term loss for long term gain
  • Not time to say why its happening rather time to comment, mention, change, rectify
  • Greatness is planned and blueprinted and many more.....

Looks like you listened to the whole video like me.

My favourite

Incurred short term loss for long term gain

Powerful words and style is superb. I have not listenened to theycallmedan earlier. He is just awesome as a motivatoanal speakerYa @nathanmars

Let´s revisit the amount of Hive spent on the proposals. The money could serve better to fight inflation!
E.g. 20 HBD daily for keeping a blacklist whose benefit is doubtful to say the least.
Proposal payouts should be linked to milestones achieved!

A day?! That can't be right. Yeah that feller has made more than just what he gets on the HDF. Used to irritate the piss outta me when he would submit and "update" consisting on a few minimal lines of code for some fat Utopian votes but I never spoke up. Grifters gonna grift.

Def needs to be better accountability and diligence with HDF voting. It seems to be an easy mark so to speak and vector for quid pro quo voting. Wonder if there are some under the table vote selling deals 🤔

Wanted to clarify I see the utility in a colaborative blacklist but it's essentially a list of names behind a front end. Not terrible sophisticated or costly to be worth 20 HBD. Maybe a few a day but that seems exorbitant.

No need for justification man it's a joke that a simple blacklist is a funded proposal. Things like that should be coded and implemented into the system as default. That's why Hive is broken. People here think they're too awesome for coding mundane things.

The most laughable part is that they think big investors are going to agree and lock their money up for months into this basic project.

Yeah, agree. I'm not sure how implementing it into the system would work though. Wonder how many posts it would take to capture that amount of data ol Marky has in his list.

I mean it could become time intensive if one would have to query multiple post bodies but would probably cost a helluva lot less. Just would require the chain to be used which I thought would be something we would have wanted.

But using posts we would lose the ability to use other orgs blacklists so I do see that as a benefit to what Marky has done with this global version even if it is over funded. Not sure how that could be done on chain. Questions of management and centralization / decentralization come to mind.

Yeah MANAGEMENT.. a solid point.

I don't know how it could be done either but then that's what leads me to conclude that blockchain isn't anything special really. Well it is (as potential) but as it is currently there is so much that it CAN'T DO so then it's silly to celebrate is as

"WOW Web3.0! ready to take over mainstream so go out and onboard everyone"

That's getting a little excited and is actually counterproductive because if it's not finished then maybe that's why so many that come and see don't end up staying long term. That illusive SMT would be my focus if I had ability to further the code.

He feeds well on that Hive honey.Lol you taking about @themarkymark bros..


Don't hate the player homie.. hate the game.

He's pretty salty since I blocked him from crying on my shoulder in Discord.

lol it's a funny place Hive!
I think there should be more of this drama captured in a cartoon styled running series or a regular meme series.. something! because much of it is entertaining. Seems like nothing happens on the surface but actually much happens behind "closed doors" and between groups and charaters so the human element gets lost to the outside world really.

You know that might even have an upwards effect.
Social networks grow on drama.
Look at when the Sun saga took hold..
The crypto world was a buzz with this Steemit/Hive debacle.
Then... back to tumbleweeds.
Anyway that's my view.


Came for the crypto. Stayed for for the drama.

I had the drama strip idea a while back. Forgot who I was commenting to but we really should run with this. Monetized drama. @whatsup would be proud. Lol

Yeah it would definitely attract attention and then once you have that, naturally people join the platform as they connect with the people here. You can't even find Hive channel on YouTube. To be seen as identities and in general to present the community as "people of Hive" is not utilised here. Random interviews with channels that are only in it to shill is not it.

I sometimes wonder if coders and significant players here even believe still. Or are they just milking it, hoping for a price rise from another crypto boom like 2017-18. All these initiatives are like a low budget MLM operation. Trying to get the most out of the last of the community still willing to promote.... for a measly upvote and for a phantom "poshtoken."

You are so full of shit. I posted very rarely in Utopian and it was 99% abuse related, not any specific lines of code. I usually got only small upvotes, especially compared to most of the Utopian community members.

You are just salty that I won't vote you and when you messaged me asked why I won't vote you and you threw a hissy fit I blocked you.

Posting link to comment Marky downvoted for vis.


Encourage all to not follow that example and DV ppl for personal disagreements. It's not cool ✌️

I downvoted you for spreading bullshit lies.

Which part was a lie specifically? I edited the comment btw

Bruh it was 3 or 4 lines and you did it a few times. Pretty sure others who were not technical didn't know how to expand the code so they hooked you up but not me.

Maybe that played into why you stopped voting my work.🤔

As for the rest, I wrote a response about "altruistic" voting patterns in general but you must have missed it.

Your ego got pricked when I asked you for feedback about why you stopped voting my work because you think voting is "giving away money" which is a fundamental divergence in our thought.

Then, we had another talk in which I accused you of using us and then you called me a "fucking crybaby bitch" in response which is a typical response from someone that doesn't have some measure of a guilty conscience. Maybe I was wrong for suggesting that there had been no good in your intentions but your response was kinda sus.

The last straw was my trying to do something good and contribute a STEM article to your platform but wanted to make sure that "a fucking crybaby bitch" would still be eligible for honest curation. That would be what I mean by support as what I created had value and I wanted to make sure the chip on your shoulder wouldn't cause it to be minimized.

Well that didn't go as planned, you revealed how you think of curation as essentially charity rather than you know evaluating value of network contributions and then you blocked me.

Also, your lack of patience and hypocrisy was part of the reason @memehub left and that was one of our main supporters. I don't blame him for it.

Edit: Corrected

You're the one that feels compelled to DV the info (presumably to hide it) so who is really full of shit here? Last I checked, DV wasn't the FU button but you seem to be using it as such.

Bruh it was 3 or 4 lines and you did it a few times. Pretty sure others who were not technical didn't know how to expand the code so they hooked you up but not me.

None of the code was published, so you don't have a clue what it was and it was anti-abuse related not code and it was rare.

You didn't know that Mozilla unpacks extensions in a folder where the source is visible? All I had to do was compare the deltas.

But the thing was you were not adding any real functionality to the project in contrast to what I would do when submitting my project updates which were not trivial at all. Yours were milking for adding a URL with those 3-4 lines of code.

Don't you think a top witness milking an antiabuse system is just a little bit ironic, man?

Bruh it was 3 or 4 lines and you did it a few times. Pretty sure others who were not technical didn't know how to expand the code so they hooked you up but not me.

None of the code was published, so you don't have a clue what it was and it was anti-abuse related not code and it was rare.

Maybe that played into why you stopped voting my work.🤔

I told you exactly why I stopped voting your work.

Then you approached me later all upset I wasn't voting you. Then you accused me of "only looking how to profit from the good I was doing". That's when I told you to take a hike.

Then you approached me again saying you were extending an olive branch by asking for me to support your posts which is pretty weird way to extend an olive branch and that's when I blocked you. Only time you contacted me is when you wanted shit.

Also, you also ran off @memehub as well for your lack of patience and that was one of our main supporters. I don't blame him for it.

LOL I had nothing to do with memehub. He left because he disagreed with Justine's proposal.

Well that didn't go as planned, you revealed how you think of curation as essentially charity rather than you know evaluating value of network contributions and then you blocked me.

LOL, Man you are so full of shit.

You never had the balls to say anything to my face when I was shitpost botting bernie or whichever douchebag .. I even had @enforcer48 reach out to u requesting you to discuss things with me, which u never did .. Then after I decided to stop so things didnt escalate on the botting stuff, reached out n told you I was, for the community members I respected that didnt wanna see that kinda thing happen, THATS when u added me to ur blacklist. Regardless of what my initial reason for powering down was, by blacklisting me WHILE I was deescalating the situation (which you were aware of when you did it), what message were you sending? One hella "just fuck you anyways"?

I didn't force you to spam. It's not my job to say anything to your face or hold your hand. You were spamming, I blacklisted you, it was simple.

Only time you contacted me was to ask me to vote your weekly memes. There is zero Discord history in my DM with you outside of that one line.

LOL I had nothing to do with memehub. He left because he disagreed with Justine's proposal.

Thanks for clarifying but I know it was more than that from DM so we'll leave it at that.

Oh yeah, I forgot I blacklisted him for running a spam bot.
Yup, all my fault he ran off Steem/Hive.

I believe the DAO is working just as intended. Anything that launches will have early adopters. Early adopters get better deals than those that don't take advantage early. This cycle can be said of any new thing. DAO launches, people launch proposals which have ZERO competition but are needed services, get paid. This SHOULD wake people up and say: "hey, I can do that job for a cheaper price!" then you submit a proposal, get votes and the one charging more gets unfunded.

I don't want to hear another word about an overfunded proposal unless there are 2-3 competing proposals. But if people don't want to step up and make the money themselves, the free-market will take the pay. I think we need MORE proposals, more advertising of the system, and point to what has been paid as a way to lure in more talent.

Valid point.
Seems the market is too small. Hive is too much a niche to have this kind of healthy competition.
Still it leaves a bad smell if people overfund their wealthy friends projects.

I would argue Hive has more dev talent than most crypto projects out there. We can make excuses or people can start pumping out proposals. Early bird gets the worm.

This is true but a surging price is the best advertisement there is, and people collecting large payouts from the DAO on a regular basis is part of the problem why HIVE continues to trend lower, effectively keeping those competitive proposals from showing up. What happened to building a stake and then working to increase the value of said stake? If people build something that adds value, the price will go up and they will be rewarded that way.

I think some are scared of decentralisation. They are used to having some company they can complain or appeal to. It also scares those who want to control things. We are the pioneers.

I think we need to look at adding value to Hive for users in general and not just the big investors. It should appeal to all forms of content creator, but part of that is having an audience and it is just too small to get the big ones interested right now.

Fiddling with the algorithms is a matter of finding balance. There have to be incentives for smaller players to stay active or they will leave as making 10c per day is not going to cut it. They should be able to earn from curation and posting. If something can drive the price up then it gets easier to keep people engaged.

I don't have the answers, but I can be part of the discussions.

Bring back the whale experiment!
A 500mv cap on influence affects ~70 accounts.
Of course they are the accounts that won't vote to cut their own take, and have a controlling stake on the platform.

Propose a replacement ROI mechanism for whales. I'm all ears.

What do you think of @edicted's savings account idea?

I like the idea of paying of interest on the savings account.
It ties up liquid hive for three days and hive held in it benefits the hp holders by upping the inflation while not getting the 15% for powering it up.
We could take the 10% going to the dao.
It has plenty of money in it for now.

As for roi for the whales, I propose they do something to increase the price.
The reward pool is to attract 'good' content to the chain, to reward 'good' authors.
Giving it to folks that farm with no effort is not increasing the value of the chain, iyam.
Especially, if they are dumping it to exchanges.
We might as well let haejin keep farming, he had the best roi of all the whales.
Didn't help the price much, but he had a successful roi scheme.

I'd further propose checking those sending hive to exchanges.
Vet them for need.
If they are reaping the pool just to increase their btc holdings, I say flag them.
If they are feeding themselves, that is more legitimate, imo.

Hemorrhaging hive to exchanges is lowering the price.
Allowing that to happen is improper use of the flag.

"I like the idea of paying of interest on the savings account.
It ties up liquid hive for three days and hive held in it benefits the hp holders by upping the inflation while not getting the 15% for powering it up.
We could take the 10% going to the dao."

It replaces curation rewards as a mechanism to produce ROI for whales, allowing curation to become actual curation, and enabling whales to productively manage their stake without deranging society by upvoting based on financial incentives rather than social values.

No DAO funds are necessary because curation rewards are sufficient. At least that's how I understand it.

Edit: I want to add that taking action to repress token sales is going to drop the price effectively, which is not productive. Plus, it's just envy. We want folks to be able to transact with Hive with as much facility as possible, because that is what gives it value. If it's not fungible, it's worthless.

It's not a bad thing that folks sell Hive. It's a bad thing that there isn't more demand. Suppressing sales won't create demand.


I am a fan of removing the curve to bring back micro votes. Micro votes were a neat feature for hive

It seems to me that the people on Hive have figured out for the most part, that no ones life is more or less important than their own. There is debate and discussion, about what where and even on occasion how, to move forward. I have seen very little anger from one side to another. We are all learning that Hive has many sides, and many purposes. We are no longer balancing on the edge of a knife blade, we have learned to stand and with the first HF, we are becoming our own place, no longer tied to Steem.

2021 could be a good year.

2020 is the foundation for year 2021 and beyond.

People and projects who truly believe in our HIVE are the who is gonna take our HIVE to the next level

That is what HF 24 is all about, or so it seems to me, building that foundation. I know some want to see changes to the reward pool, and to the HDF, my own thoughts on that are to let them ride for at least a year. We saw what happened with steem and all it's changes or attempts to fix what a few thought was broken by working on changes to the reward pool.

I hope now that the foundation blocks for Hive are about to be laid the next step will be the governance of Hive. We don't need wasted committees like happened over on Steem, just an adjustment or two to the Witness selection, and retention system.

Then after Hive has been steady on it's feet for a year, then look at needed changes to the power down time and the reward pool. Investors, users and builders on Hive need some time for changes to solidify before changing what was changed in the last two forks, we need to stop all the tail chasing and just let some of the changes have time to settle in.

Of course that is only one users opinion, and I am pretty easy going, I'll go with the flow til it no longer suits me.

governance of Hive probably the most important thing

That I think a lot of people do agree on, just not how we go about fixing or describing the issue that we feel needs to be fixed about it. I do hope a lot of people start to think about it and try to come up with some novel solution that will make a meaningful change to it.

Coming with solutions and discussing ideas transparently on the chain are also important.

Imagine if Ned sold his stake someone who understand decentralisation than Justin!

We definitely need to think outside the box and build bridges with true believers of decentralisation and other projects/protocol

Two points:

    making communities work for bullshit shilling when the product is too simplistic is a road to nowhere.

    deliver on something that was promised over 3 years ago that can actually cater to large onboarding and create a robust platform.

The latter is priority.
Achieve that and Hive has a future.
Return to the former if you wish.

Or die slowly.

Yep bingo, and stop paying out ridiculous payouts via the DAO. It's a leak in our dam, needs to be plugged.

Amazing, actually, you stressed something here and that's the fact that you're one voice and the fact that maybe you have a large stake don't make want you wish for the chain like a decree. We're like s huge community and sometimes opinion can be scattered and we might not really agree on what we really want to do and this is the perks that comes with the centralisation.
Everybody actually wants what is good for the blockchain but then sometimes we are divided in our opinion and this causes disagreement and this sometimes might be like is stagnancy for the growth of hive.
that is one of the biggest strength of the community and sometimes it can also be it's weaknesseses indecisiveness and what to do and what not to do.
But then we can only hope for the best because there has been so many issues here and people reason bad blood on themselves and what is actually viable to maybe push prices or bring faster development. At the end we grow slowly irrespective of everything.

It's been such a long time

We're like a huge community

Everyone needs to step up like LeoFinance

I have to think on this... I will get back to you on my thoughts.

Then again, they will be a couple of my personal opinions which are like my armpits:  From time to time, they both stink.

We can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. —Albert Einstein

Overthinking is bad.

Just say what’s on your mind now and we’re here to discuss ideas to make our hive better

You know me. Opinionated, crass, and non-diplomatic. I would like to give constructive criticism and possible solutions. A sort of pro and cons on the problems we have on HIVE. At this point I believe they are minimal.

Bring it on when you’re ready

I really would like for things to be fixed and I know as someone heavily invested in this places success I would love to help towards that end and maybe it's possible but think some cleaning is in order.

No, I'm not talking content moderation either. Imo it's deeper than that. Is the HDF just poorly managed and researched or is it prone to corruption? I don't know but do know there has been problems w things not panning out.

I've pissed off enough people around here where maybe I just gotta step back and let nature take it's course. Perhaps Hive won't be the end in itself but maybe a means to one.

I did have an idea of how a moderation engine can be constructed on Hive that can service outside social media platforms. It sparked when I read one of my favorite subs /r/dankchristianmemes had grown so rapidly that the mods could not effectively manage so they shut it down. (w 200k+ subs!)

What if they had a mechanism for Hive users to service such moderation needs. I have had some form of this idea floating around for a while but like yourself. I have been on somewhat of a zero mode but mine was a bit longer duration.

It may take me longer to rev my engine up but hope to be at 100 soon. Bummer about your Twitter account man. I'm sure with the conservative provocateur stuff I be tweeting, my day will come as well.

Anyways, chew on the moderation thing. Possible outlet to bring money IN to the platform versus OUT. Maybe w the right kick start. It can break inertia.

I like a....leaderless & decentralized, community based governance...
Hive got this, right?
What's up with A.I. & Hive?
I think it's pretty interesting what this Brian Roemmele says from Minute 20 on,
on the Keiser Report...

Good to see you back @theycallmedan! We missed you! Love your perspective on Hive and the future of the community.

Biggest takeaway...Are the grinders here!

These people that have been here through thick and thin! I salute every single one of them.

It's so easy to show up on Hive when it's booming and everyone seems to be here creating content. But there are a bunch of us that haven't slowed down, kept showing up when everyone else jumped ship.

Man, I salute all of you guys! Talk about belief in something that will change so many lives. Let's keep building this awesome chain up.

Oh and looking forward to what you guys have coming up for 3 speak to...Can't wait!!

I am new here in HIVE and to your 3speak! I would like to know more and listening to other videos. I think I am the only one here representing the Bodybuilding.

great idea! We need talks with goal posts and polls to move forward, otherwise we are just waiting for things to move. Obviously this is the crux with decentralization - everybody can act independently and therefore there isnt a central entity to push things forward. Having polls is a great idea because it is a 1 vote system: with this we will get a different image of how users see things and what we want to do.... Not that this is how we decide on things finally, but we will get a different picture rather than only seeing the big fish talking...

take away the reward pool hahahaha @theycallmedan take a look at smart cash cause thats what will happen lol too funny :)))) the last 5 hf did nothing but reduce rewards and intern market value but then again since you all are professional marketing and finances you know this so well i would have preferred 2 hive worth 4 bucks each then getting 40 worth 10¢ and this is on all the good initiatives dont seem actually good anymore but more like desperate moves which will only erode even further the market value please tell ... are you sure you know what your doing?

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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Day - Introducing the Power Up Helper!

Welcome back brother! Good to see you back and active!


I strongly agree that Hive is availed of the means to effect it's policies by the combination of secure stake based voting and open discussion between peers. Hive is the leading edge of liquid democratic governance technological advance has finally potentiated through thousands of years of scientific development. From the philosophical musings of ancient Greece through the bloody Bronze Age competitions of political institutions to our present pinnacle of industrial and information technology, the ultimate goal of development in every field has all been to some degree purposed to attain this potential felicity of humanity.

While society and humanity generally are struggling to grasp the brass ring of rational governance and productive society, largely as a result of indoctrination and oppression imposed by centralized, corrupt institutions, I reckon it inevitable that reason and good faith will eventually produce felicitous civilization because that impulse is what builds it.

Contrary impulses are eventually quashed, because destruction of economically viable institutions and society is it's own fruit. What is sown is harvested.

Thanks for forthrightly intending and recommending the bountiful harvest of a happy future in the company of good and prosperous people. Hive is like the good tree from which that harvest can come, uniquely able through it's particular attributes to bring the felicity of our posterity to it's full fruition.

It is the means that is the end society has always sought, and we here, today, are it's first crop, the beginning of that wealth prophets in ancient days glimpsed in their fevered dreams. We are gardeners nursing a seedling from which a vast orchard will grow to produce the full fruition of human endeavor.

Let us work together to better our ability to grow free and prosperous society on Hive, so that when folks are exasperated and repelled at last by the barbarous and antiquated institutions and governance centralized overlords continue to impose, they are availed the good company and wealth rational society produces.

I believe Hive is the seed that will grow into that happy civilization, possessing the kernel of essential features of honest debate and prosperous economic commerce that has been the goal of human society throughout history. Our intention should be to feed and water Hive that all humanity can benefit from it's productive increase.

If I'm right, Moon is a baby step. Let's strap on League Boots and venture forth.
