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RE: Let's Get Started

in Threespeak4 years ago

I believe the DAO is working just as intended. Anything that launches will have early adopters. Early adopters get better deals than those that don't take advantage early. This cycle can be said of any new thing. DAO launches, people launch proposals which have ZERO competition but are needed services, get paid. This SHOULD wake people up and say: "hey, I can do that job for a cheaper price!" then you submit a proposal, get votes and the one charging more gets unfunded.

I don't want to hear another word about an overfunded proposal unless there are 2-3 competing proposals. But if people don't want to step up and make the money themselves, the free-market will take the pay. I think we need MORE proposals, more advertising of the system, and point to what has been paid as a way to lure in more talent.


Valid point.
Seems the market is too small. Hive is too much a niche to have this kind of healthy competition.
Still it leaves a bad smell if people overfund their wealthy friends projects.

I would argue Hive has more dev talent than most crypto projects out there. We can make excuses or people can start pumping out proposals. Early bird gets the worm.

This is true but a surging price is the best advertisement there is, and people collecting large payouts from the DAO on a regular basis is part of the problem why HIVE continues to trend lower, effectively keeping those competitive proposals from showing up. What happened to building a stake and then working to increase the value of said stake? If people build something that adds value, the price will go up and they will be rewarded that way.