Reg. Parler:
My guess is that 99% of legit users won't ever get banned, hence why the argument for "you CAN'T get banned" is usually attracting the "wrong crowd".
I believe the world isn't ready yet for fully decentralized social platforms, rather they need a portal that builds a bridge between both worlds, giving them a taste for "decentralized security & ownership" while providing "transparent centralized features & simplistic UX". I mean, even HE isn't fully decentralized, but it's much more transparent than 99% of other businesses.
Parler has already banned people and will continue. They are literally no difference between Twitter and Parler; both centralized. Saying we won't ban you is just trusting them. I never said anything about being banned; I'm talking about breakaway communities where you own the keys to your account. The days of one site to rule them all is over; it will be several fronts ends, like Hive Blog, that can show what they want, but at the end of the day, the creators will have their own community sites to fall back on if anyone does ban them from a front end. Parler and Twitter are just communities that will grow more apparent as web 3 kicks into high gear.