Zuckerberg is at it again. He announced the company is going to spend $50 million to build the Metaverse in a responsible way.
In this video I discuss how much this goes against the basic premise of the Metaverse and what it will be designed for.
Here is the article mentioned in the video:
▶️ 3Speak
Is the current Metaverse irresponsibly done in his estimation? The ZUCC will come in and make everything conform to the good...
Worked well so far lol
Marky can do what he wants with his money except generate a profitable social network, for me Marky only generates control over the lives of people with Facebook just like Netflix. I don't think that one day I will get out of bed and think differently
I believe their main play is to create the operating system of the metaverse and hope that others will build upon it while they siphone off all the data gold. They are still actively working on their LIBRE coin and I am sure they hope that it will become the currency of the Metaverse.
The metaverse seems a project larger that 50 million bucks.