Your HEART Never Just Let's IT AWAY !!

in Threespeak4 years ago

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Moreover all of the experiences that we go through in our lives must have one of those difficult things that are just impossible to be letting off from the life that we're living because they do have a part in our life which is really very important as well as one of such things which has that feeling on that emotion which we can never be really well and that has left a very deep impression which is why it is just it possible to delete but moreover we have to be letting some things of at the end of the day because all of the things that we have gathered in this life is not the one which is going with us

When anything occupies some important portion in our heart it kinda turns out into a weakness of ours and might be something others may use for taking an edge over us too.

It really is a very hard thing to be making sure that it exists or at least we give a try to make that happen because the things that are heart is having stored in sided are those experiences are those happenings in our life which are really having a message significance in the way we are living today and if we even attempt aur think about letting them away it really is a very hard task and sometimes quite painful too

When we get emotionally attached to something in our life we do need to be making sure that nothing like that gets more powerful and let's us serve pain at the end of the day :)

It is mostly because the brain of ours is more of a calculated kind of thing which always tries to calculate and analyse all the things that are happening and used in the practical world but the heart of ours is the one which is more of a mental kind of state which is not going to be thinking the other way even if you are already losing the battle because you developed or given so much effort with in your heart which makes it so difficult to remove

They do are different and roles to play as well, we just require to be utilizing the best out of them and that's all that's matters too !

The life that you are living is nothing but just a compilation of a lot of events memories happenings and experiences that we gather All Around The IIFA awards and there are certain special ones among all of those 133 2 live around which are really the ones which try our heart and impossible to forget regardless the nature of memory they are even if they are something that is very negative or even if it is a massive achievement or any kind of emotion that we are having those are the ones which are heart never allows to really go away which is a very big strength we can we implement in some of the other way as well but in sometimes it also acts as a weakness of ours too

That's really the reality we all must be thinking about as well and not letting any of that turn out into a weakness of ours at the end of the day !!

Yes there are a lot of such things that we do encounter in our lives that we can't let go even if we want them to be because there are certain feelings experiences and those things which are very close to my heart which is beyond erasing them which makes them really will you for 10th in our life and occupying a such as that in the life of powers which is just inevitable to delete them

We do require to be making sure those things weaken us and restrict us away from the potential we can be working to as well.

Thanks a lot for stopping by !!