Hmm in order to grow you have to tear your muscles
That's one thing about growth and life.. it's easy to stay comfortable with what life gives you but if we want what we want, we have to push.
Kids learn from their parents directly and indirectly, they take their qualities and sometimes see their parents as role models.
As for me, I grew up liking my father as being a musician and an engineer, I chose to take that part in life and I am on that journey.
Smiles, teaching young ones what to eat is important too. Little kids always want to eat anything sweet, most especially chocolates which can cause them adding up lots of weight.
Talking about working out, if the kids notice their parents workout well, they would want to take in that habit to work out as well. It becomes part of them.
Yeap! Thank you for listening ☺️ Hope you got some value out of this. We were just sharing our thoughts and experience hehe