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RE: What happened to project Subi?

in Threespeak8 months ago

I hear ya!! Whenever I get like that I have to step back and just think “one step at a time”.

My brother is an electrician and I’m a Lineman. Electricians like to call Lineman “Dumb Ass Lineman”. Being that he is one of my older brothers he enjoys saying that to me. LOL Who is the dumb ass that traded a 2005 f150 with a blown engine to a guy for putting a motor in your little commuter car that you failed to check the oil in and seized the motor up. Then when you get the car back you don’t drive it and put a ton of miles on your Toyota tundra. He drives over 100 miles a day to and from work. Silly guy!! Who’s the dumb ass now. 🤣🤣

Screw them Christmas lights!! They last longer if I leave them up. I swear, once you take them down half the lights quit working. LOL