Dorothy Daimler Benz powerup with Valec Honda Civic and a Wren, yes the bird

in Threespeak2 months ago

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i’ve been meaning to do this for the last few days, but because it’s been that cold I’ve not felt inclined to set up jump leads, jump packs and everything else that I’d need to try and get Dorothy running or even started.

Now as you can see Annabelle and I thought right now we’re gonna have to do it, especially as we’ve got a launch coming up next week and that’s for a Maxus pick up truck fully electric e Terron 9 and a Diesel T60.

The best way to start the Dorothy or Merc C124 especially after damp, cold, thawing you name it - is the jump pack Noco and it works pretty damn well the Halfords one we bought for some reason won’t work for love nor money and there’s no particular reason why, somethings failed - anyway as you can tell by the video it’s not quite going to plan the jump pack just isn’t cutting it, so I thought okay what can we do? and I remembered we bought some new jump leads Krieger and heavy duty isn’t the word therefore we connected them to Valec our trusty Civic ej9 and started both cars, all good and it maintained a strong current as you can see from the video, even though you could clearly hear when it was drawing. Around half an hour we’ve been trying to get it to start, it fired - well kind of - yet we persisted and she fired, then ran perfectly, which was strange as she’d been nearly stalling at traffic lights.

However when I had been doing some preliminary checks and drying parts WD40 etc I had a proper check around under the bonnet the engine, cables etc and I did notice that the second HT lead, cylinder two didn’t actually have its HT lead attached or ignition cables if you prefer - it was probably getting the connection at points as it loosely placed so it was running on four cylinders at times, others 3 - I presume it was moving more like not wobbling per se but rocking with the engine whilst in Park but still in gear it was I presumed arcing.

We also fitted the insulation today as well, that was fun we had to spray the gluey stuff on the back of the foam and then some on the inside of the bonnet one way then the other way and stick it on a kind of melding if you will.

It’s quite amazing how much quieter it is even when you shut the bonnet there’s not that reverberation that you would normally get.

I’m hoping it insulates it far better than it’s been since day one it did have one when it came but it was held on by three zip ties and well it wasn’t really held on.

It was hanging down and I thought eek a fire hazard, I ripped it out and I did like the way it made the engine more prominent, mind you it’s supposed to be quiet and this will make it far more refined too, all in all it’s been a good day and Annabelle and I have managed to get a few things Done.

Now to the crazy bit - after putting all the tools away we walked in the house and there was a Wren yes a bird, our dining room was its new home for a little while anyway, as then it wandered into the kitchen well flew and ended up on the window sill next it perched behind the washing machine whilst Annabelle tried to encourage it to come out with a roll of foil which was interesting in itself then she kind of got stuck behind the washe, don’t askr.

It wasn’t great, the bird then just strutted out with its cane from under the washing machine like a little actor - and launched itself into our pantry and that’s where it remains…

all in all a pretty crazy day ——

car review tomorrow the Ford Kuga thanks for watching and reading. Uploaded using 3Speak Mobile App

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Great to hear about Dorothy and to see that it has started up.
Have a great sunday.

Thank you @heroldius, yes it was bit a little bit will she, won't she - today we'll go out and she'll start first time... :)

I know the feeling. Cold and damp conditions do not help matters. When we needed to start our old VW camper it could take a while. We've resorted to Easy Start before.

Can you jump start from an EV? I know they have a 12V battery.

Drive safe.