Firstly, thanks for hosting the BuzzParty event! It was awesome and I think I can say in everyone's name that we all had a lot of fun! I know I said this already a couple of times, but you really did a great job with the organization... Of course, slight off-schedule things could happen and will happen regardless of how much you plan in advance...
Secondly, I'm glad to hear that you are planning to improve your NEXT BuzzParty, not because this sucked, but because you said in Hamburg that you would not do it again... 😃 So, it's nice to hear that you changed your opinion! You are a perfect guy for the job!
Thirdly, send greetings to your girlfriend and good luck with your gardening! Don't waste Bismarck's water on plants... 😜
See you soon at the next Hive party, or BuzzParty! 😇
Thank you so much for your kind feedback and that you have been in Hamburg my friend :) If there will be a next "big" BuzzParty depends on @valueplan - if they refuse we will still make one but it will be much smaller :P Keep an eye on @buzzparty as we are going to announce it in the next weeks/months ;)
Wooohoooo! Waiting for the next one! :)
(I'm already planning for the next HiveFest and collecting funds... Heard a rumor that we will get more details about it very soon...🙂)