Rough Cuts #5 - my cover of "Creep" by Stone Temple Pilots

in Threespeak8 months ago

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Hello again, everyone, and welcome to another installment of my rough recordings!

This one is really rough, as you'll see. I recoded this using the 'fancy' setup that I described in #2, and of all my rough recordings, I'm most pleased with the sound quality of this one. Of course, that makes it easier to hear all my little vocal mistakes...

Those vocal mistakes are one of the reasons I quit my job in blacktop. Breathing the various forms of dust all day would REALLY mess with my ability to sing (and breathe), as well as causing me some other various health problems.

This is another tune I recorded while home on a lunch break, and it is, as I stated, REALLY rough! You'll notice a cut I made with a dull hatchet, followed by a similar brain fart to the one that caused the cut, at around 4:00. If you listen extra close, you'll also notice that I miss a few chord changes. It isn't perfect, but it still felt good enough to hold on to, edit, and eventually post.

If anyone knows of a Community on Hive where these rough videos would fit in, please let me know! Since I'm not putting these up as contest entries, and don't want to do a 'posted exclusively for...' intro at the beginning, I was asked not to post these in Hive Open Mic, and they're not going to be a good fit for Vibes either.

Is there a Hive Community for posts that are just barely good enough to not throw away? Until I find it, I'll still keep posting these to my blog until I run out of old videos.

In the future, I'll make some with a little more care and polish, which I will then post to Hive Open Mic again.

Thanks for listening, see you all again next week!

▶️ 3Speak


Manually curated by from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks! I was wondering where all those votes came from!

Your accounts are confusing. I voted the other you thinking it was this you but it wasn't, it was just a reblog, and it's confusing is all.

Then my diabolical plan is working...