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RE: The Downvote Debate : A complex issue in need of a complex solution

in Threespeak3 years ago

Some in this instance may indeed be just one experience - we don't know. You use a lot of generalizations. You may well have had a bad experience here or there but understand this is not a good method to blanket the rest of the people you consider to be 'truthers'.

You will find people on here who will be brash and honest - those are the people you can trust more.

When people start to suck your arse just because you've got cash or influence - be very careful.

Generally a lot of people in this world that make it to a position of influence have major insecurities - they have justified their insecurities by attaining a level of power and control over their reality in order to make sure they don't experience pain again.

We need to come down from the towers we have put ourselves in and face the trauma that affects the remainder of our experience in this world.