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RE: The Pfizer Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine

in Threespeak4 years ago

So, the "vaccine" (pharmaceutical product) will cause the need for ventilators because it causes breathing problems?! Okay, people, please don't jam that crayon any further into your brain! At the beginning of this stupid "pandemic" (series of baseless executive orders passed by tyrannical politicians posing as health experts), they said the reason for all these restrictions comes down to overwhelming the healthcare system and that there would not be enough ventilators for the population.

This "vaccine" is extremely ironic: it causes the health conditions we're so deadly afraid of contracting, but we're not worried about the healthcare system overload from injecting the entire population with an untested product?! People are getting so dumb they don't even know why they're scared....the government says boo and they drop to their knees begging for orders. People can be made to ignore or obsess about just about anything! We're eating up the stupidest, textbook emotional appeals pumped out like gospel by the monopolized mainstream media while ignoring all facts, statistics, and common sense.


I think somebody should throw up in Manlinda Gates' face and then sneeze down her throat.

It would be comical if societal collapse wasn't such a serious possibility!