Also hell man, I can hear how excited and nervous you are about the kid on the way!
Everything will be fine and everything in your life will change perspective.
I think you'll be a good dad. Just make sure to keep an eye on your old lady after the birth. Sometimes chicks go post partum depression or just get overwhelmed with it all (rightly so). Things are going to completely change in your life man and I'm excited to see how your family becoming +l will put everything into a different perspective for you as man and now father.
Keep spitting the plan to the masses. 2021 is the year where HIVE's deep roots start to produce viable fruit for the chain.
Don't be afraid to shoot me a message somewhere if you need to bounce some baby stress off me or just need to throw some shit off your chest that you need said without the risk of judgement or whatever. Lots of resources here on Hive, all you gotta do is ask. :)
thanks mate. when things get to be a lot I like to simplify life down to one breath at a time. control what can be controlled, go through the motions that you need to go through and keep a balanced center with controlled breathing. I can use all the Dad advice I can get so sounds good thanks for reaching out
All good in the hood man. It's one of those long haul lead up anxiety fests that only someone whose been through truly "gets". After you've seen childbirth first hand up close you level up as a man in my opinion. I damn near fainted when they took a pair of scissor to her netherbit lips as I was holding her left leg open due to tearing but certainly would rather live with that experience than have not been in the room helping. Try and get as much sleep as you can if baby is due any day now.. Depending on how long labour is you might be up for a day or 3 overseeing momma and baby after nature does it's course and you never look at a vagina quite the same way again. :P
Nothing wrong with taking a step back and clearing your head. The thing about parenting is their isn't really any "100% correct" way to do it and we're all noobs headed into our first kid so don't be hard on yourself if you get overwhelmed or frustrated.. Know you got supports around you even though it might feel like the whole fucking world is barreling down on ya at times.
Take er easy too, it's a crazy time, sip a beer or have a cigar if you're into that sort of thing and enjoy the last few days of your life where you're the main character and concern of your life ultimately. Because once baby comes the dynamics of everything change and it can be quite a surreal experience.