Community Driven Ads Approval System

in Threespeakyesterday

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Hey, everybody! We are building LeoAds, an advertising platform with a unique style where the community can approve or deny which ads get shown on the Inleo UI, using polls as the approval mechanism.

In this clip:

  • Different ad styles will be placed on Threads, Shorts, Blog posts, and the sides of the pages
  • The approval of ads will be done using polls
  • 24-hour approval period
  • Denied ads will be sent back to the advertiser and refunded

We used to have external ads in between Threads, but they didn’t look good and didn’t pay enough, so we decided to drop them and build our own platform instead. Clients will be able to set a budget and manage their ad campaigns.

There will be different styles of ads shown on Threads, Posts, Shorts, and the sides of the pages. The advertisers can create different formats for each ad style. Once they send the campaign for approval, it will go through a 24-hour voting process, where the community can vote to approve or deny the ads and provide feedback on them.

If the ad gets approved, it will start running as scheduled. If it gets denied, it will be sent back to the client, and the budget will be refunded. This system gives the community the power to decide what kind of ads they want to see on the UI.

Check out the AMA to learn more about this exciting system!

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Will these be targeted based on country the user is residing in or just generally international ads for the majority of people potentially viewing it,

Still should be an interesting step forward for inleo :)

We'll have some cool targeting abilities

We'll likely use LeoAI To allow the creator of an ad to choose their demographic based on some presets that LeoAI can help them with

For example "target bitcoin-focused users on INLEO" might be possible using LeoAI as LeoAI can parse the threads of all users and target ones who mention "bitcoin" as a keyword the most

@taskmaster4450le will get excited reading this