[REPOST] No Fucks Given

in Threespeak3 months ago

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As a beginner-friendly tobacco I'd suggest Peterson Connoisseur's Choice.
It's fairly light in flavour but pleasing to smoke, not too damp from the tin (a big hurdle for new pipers is tobacco moisture) and readily available.

More important than an actual tobacco I'd say is technique. You'll be tempted to smoke hard and fast. Wanting to puff and pull and generate lots of smoke. This will create a lot of heat and a lot of condensation in the pipe bowl. You'll burn out a lot of the subtle flavours and get "gurgle" in the pipe and probably "tongue bite" and worst case, pull some bitter condensation up the stem into your mouth. Go slow and steady, accept a few relights is going to be common early on.
Also, don't overload the pipe, I'd suggest half bowls to start.
You'll need a pipe, a lighter, a pipe tool and pipe cleaners as well.
For the pipe, nothing beats going to a shop and holding some to see what feels good, but I'd suggest going for a budget pipe to start whichever style you choose.

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