I get your concerns. I can see making this video gave you a lot of stress.
A lot of things you said are simply a misunderstanding. Your problem isn't with Manuel or the SWC but with myself. You are upset at the wrong people. I'm the project manager who decides on Hive promotional events in Venezuela, and SWC is part of Hive promotion. It is not a club like those you are describing; it is a Hive promotional activity. I am very grateful to all of the athletes and I know Manuel always tries to do everything he can to take good care of everyone. But in the end, some events are worked on but must be terminated because of conditions that no one here has any control over. In the end, I'm the guy who with a heavy heart must say "we have to cut an activity".
This is also why the graphics all have to look the same. They must be approved to best showcase Hive. The flyer responsibility is not an excuse or an insult towards you, it simply must be made in a way that matches all the other flyers and when we pay for its creation, we need to have hours accounted as they are paid for. Manuel or his mother do not receive any money for designs. Only designers may receive payments. No organizer is paid. Manuel and his mother are not paid anything.
The posting instructions are there to encourage people to write on Hive. Hive needs more users. Unfortunately, there are not enough curators. Curators are stakeholders, those like OCD who seek out and vote on good content. They have larger votes and can reward content. But OCD curates posts from all over Hive, and they cannot do all. Other curators are in a similar position, they are spread thin. They try to do their best.
Here is the problem: Hive is a decentralized project. It is a global project. We have a marketing budget. We have promotional activities such as the SWC events. People like yourself, and like hundreds of others, including SWC organizers and athletes, contribute to Hive promotion because when we do well, the value of Hive will rise, it will become more popular, and we will succeed together. We all have our small part to do. My job is to sign off on the budget for a range of marketing activities. I answer to you, a Hive member, and to all the other members on Hive equally. But if an event, usually because of the location or other events in the area that did not do well, can't promote Hive enough, it can't go on despite all the planning in the world.
The funds you're talking about are not stolen. Each event has a spreadsheet for accounting with invoices and receipts and the funds that are issued to this event are used to pay for supplies, vendors, transportation, etc. There are other expenses such as insurance and regulatory paperwork that are included. Clothes is all Hive merchandise. Because funds are issued in HBD and payments are made in local currencies, the organizers convert it. In the case of SWC, very often Manuel ends up paying left over costs out of his own pocket. Many organizers do this, including myself, because we want to lower the costs for Hive.
All Hive members when they are sent to events are mandated to travel and stay in safe locations. This is why there are buses for athletes where possible. This is our rule because our competitors have lost people in the past.
Manuel's trip to Cuba was for a Hive event. It wasn't a great trip for him and he got very sick during it as I recall.
SWC events are not only about the retention of athletes. The purpose of the events is to advertise Hive in affluent areas and bring in investors. This is why almost all of the events are in malls. I do realize this project would have done much better if it was not a promotional project and that the constant pressure to get investors is what kills it for the organizers and for the athletes. If you were in Manuel's position and you were put in charge of a large event, you would find yourself in the exact same predicament as he does and as all other organizers do, which is a lot of stress. Everyone thinks its easier to get investors and publicity than it is. Every single person realized that the actual costs of events are higher than they thought they would be. It's a very difficult time we live in, that's all it is.
I see you definitely don't know what is Manuel and his mother doing with the money you're sending to them.
1- The event is ALWAYS organized by athletes, not by Manuel, they just send money to everyone for doing so. As I said, we spent around 900$ on our competition, and 4000$ were sent to Manuel, we don't really know where are those 3100$ remaining. Check @Hecatonquirox video to see the money he received for the event, and it was more than enough for a good competition.
2- Manuel never shows invoices for expenses made for the events, while he shows his two motorcycles he bought.
3- Athletes doesn't even have a proper transport when traveling to competitions, they just receive money and have to travel on any bus available on the metro, sometimes alone, which exposes them to risks you WILL NOT PAY to them. And several times they don't even have where to stay, because Manuel doesn't care about it. Some athletes stay in home of others and several others are just stuffed into a room with 4 more people. Manuel hasn't money to pay them a proper hospedage but has a lot of money to stay in the most expensive hotels around the country when visiting athletes.
4- The trip to Cuba with sexual services, I just tell you that we know it thanks to other hivers that have proofs as well.
5- Investors? Tell me ONE INVESTOR attracted here through SWC events, mention them, JUST ONE. There's no, and the reason is because SWC doesn't make any effort on it, they just put the Hive logo on banners and shirts to receive MORE MONEY FROM YOU!
If you still think I don't understand what happens I must say that's why Manuel is been making fun of you all this time, you are easy to manipulate and deceive. But just think on this: I AM A CALISTHENICS ATHLETE BROUGHT HERE BY SWC AND I AM TELLING YOU MANUEL AND HIS MOTHER ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE ATHLETES OF THE COMMUNITY IN VENEZUELA TO MAKE YOU SEND THEM A LOT OF MONEY!
I'm not someone out SWC, I was in and I am telling all this with proofs on hand.
I haven't watched the video yet, but I read the post and the comments. As you may know SWC was part of the incubated communities in OCD at one time following @guiltyparties' request they'd be added there. Over time, though, we started noticing some things that seemed off and then discussed things both with curators within OCD and some people outside about the community and the person running it. Unfortunately it seemed that there were a lot of holes in certain places which left a lot of leeway for abuse as we couldn't verify things like if these authors really are posting by themselves or if there's a format they're following to make the posts look similar, on top of that it also opened up suspicions if the athletes owned their accounts or if they'd been given keys after someone had created the accounts for them which is a giant vector of potential abuse in the future as we saw with another community we had to remove from the incubation recently. (Basically a community leader who had given a lot of accounts to people was waiting for them to go afk to start unstaking their hive and taking them for themselves)
There were a lot of other rumors at the time, some that may not necessarily mean the leader of SWC was a bad actor (being in debt) but with all the uncertainties above could trigger some attack in the future that we felt we didn't want to fuel. There were also a lot of other, let's say wrong intention actions one could spot where community leaders & curators would never engage or comment within the community and the athletes, leaving engagement go empty or only applying to the athletes which we had to often point to that it felt wrong, especially since through ocd they were also earning to moderate, curate and grow the community through compilation posts.
Anyway, while we don't have any actual proof, there were a lot of warnings along the road to justify removing the community from the incubation. While we regret the effects this may have had on the actual ahtheletes and their rewards, we'd prefer to support communities with less controversy and suspicions in leadership positions. As you mention lack of transparency is often a big abuse vector in this space.
If the athletes themselves would like to create a new community for this activity to be in charge of and potentially share ownership of the community account, we'd welcome you back in the incubation.
Hive CalisthenicsThank you for your worry on this, I just can say you did the right thing with SWC as it is using Hive funds and specifically the @valueplan money to fill the pockets of its "CEO". And yes, we decided to create a new community called where all the athletes that left SWC are posting and new are coming, we planned to ask OCD curation support but we want to reach 100 subscribers on the community to fulfill requisites for entering the community incubation program. meanwhile we are working on creating a curation trail as well to try to be sustainable in time. Also, you can see that in our community we have multiple leaderships, all admins have access to the official account @hcoficial to make it decentralized and all transactions are transparent for everyone, we have been funding a weekly event on the community by ourselves called Weekly Showcase, designed to reward high quality content that is made on the community. Thank you again and expect our request to enter OCD curation program soon on Discord!
Sounds great, something more communities should strive towards!
can we just get proposal 0 over valueplans proposal and end with this nonsense in the DHF?
its getting embarrasing already
As how I am seeing the moves, that is a very good idea we will work on soon.
SWC-curation-report. However, the same OCD healing path has VOTED our publications, despite not being in the community incubation program, it is worth noting that the margin of abuse, harassment and enslavement, will never be part of the SWC training method. It is a total lie to say that SWC steals from athletes, let alone enslaves. I close by saying we are a community that seeks to promote Street Workout and calisthenics. Without further ado Happy afternoon, I hope you have a great day.Greetings, a pleasure to greet you. Those rumors in which they say that users do not have control of their accounts or where the publications are very similar, that you can not see, the minimum difference in a publication is totally false, all athletes who are part of SWC have control of their keys and their publications, unfortunately at this time the Social Network X is not opening to let you the publication that made this same user @atlashv96, where he claimed that he owned his accounts. It's strong to see that we are a community where every single athlete is working hard every day to make their posts and even though they don't get any reward, we are still keeping at a very high level of posts if you want you can check it out.
Good morning,
In response to your comment, I would like to express a few words. I have had the privilege to live with most of the member athletes in SWC, giving them help and advice to continue learning about Hive's Blockchain technology. I can assure you that every SWC athlete owns their account and manages it with effort and dedication. Although there may be similarity in the format of our publications, this does not imply that a real athlete is not behind them.
Every athlete in the community strives to improve their blog, putting in many hours of work. As a member of SWC for over a year now, I have witnessed the hard work that goes on inside and outside of Hive. This work is totally honest and geared towards the benefit of all athletes in our community. It was unfortunate to be excluded from the incubation project without concrete evidence to back up the allegations, but we respect their decision.
It is disappointing to see that due to the hatred of some people towards our community, the effort and dedication of every SWC athlete is truncated. Without further ado, I bid you farewell and wish you many blessings.
What is the date of the event you are speaking of?
Over time we increased the transportation for the athletes. Originally, it wasn't supposed to be a line item.
I understand what you and Brando are both saying about hotels and Hive meetings. We have them mandated in this way as there are typically other networking opportunities that are scheduled in. We will rethink them as I see now there is too much of a gap between how we present and what we are delivering.
The event was made on december 9 of 2023, it was a competition called Endurance at the Limit, organized by Zulia athletes and financed by SWC. The only athlete that participated on the competition from outside the state was @stypaternina. Manuel Ramos brought his mother, @alvis-sw and the competition commentator, no one else came.
@valueplan sent a total of 4300 HBD for the event, @hecatonquirox received $900 for paying awnings, sound, stamped flannels for organizers and winners, refreshments, medical attention and a choir to sing the hymns of our country.
Manuel Ramos came with some merchandising and the prizes of the event: 6 creatines of $25, 6 plastic trophies of $10 each one, and Hive bracelets and stickers that left over from past events.
These are the approximate calculations:
-Travel expenses of people that came from abroad to the event: $500.
-Event logistic costs: $900.
-Prize party favors: $210.
TOTAL: $1610.
And this is not the only event in which this happens, it HAPPENS IN EVERY EVENT and athletes that have silver or gold membership cannot participate in competitions. You have transfered to them up to 12000 HBD in a row, with that money we could build 10 calisthenics parks all around the country to improve the dignity of the athletes, but no. Athletes are the life of the community and they do not even receive good benefits, athletes post, athletes work out, athletes put their lives under risk with acrobatic moves and traveling to competitions, everything to allow Manuel Ramos to buy motorcycles, because he keeps the most of the money. He is taking advantage of our needs and this is a problem that is happenign since the beggining of SWC, ask @milagroscdlrr and @ramsses-sw25 why did they leave SWC. The problem is not that you have not given enough money, the problem is Manuel and his mother are stealing part of it.
Also we recently organized and executed 2 events without any funding and with the same quality:
A conference about leadership and enterpreneurship
An exhibition at the Zulia Public Library
In business I have learned to keep receipts. Where's the receipts? Income and outgo.