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RE: Solo Training

in Threespeak10 months ago

I love your passion. To me, what you are doing is a form of dance, a form of play. It does not matter where you are at, you do it because you enjoy it. It is inspiring, especially because I am someone who both enjoys life and martial arts. I do not practice formal martial arts, but I do kick and punch randomly daily and focusing my attention and improving my control and precision. Hope to see more of your posts.


Hey Geospirit, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the encouraging words!

Martial arts and Life really go hand in hand. As martial artists we come at Life differently and we learn to appreciate just the journey of self development and refinement, as well as having a practical skill.

What does your training look like?

Do you ever want to practice formal martial arts?

Take care!

PS - you'll appreciate this one