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RE: Where I See The SPK Network Helping Scale Hive in the Future

in Threespeak4 years ago (edited)

In this video, you've articulated very well what is required for any project to become successful, and for any chain to become successful. I do hope many people will take the time to listen to the video.

Regarding the base chain HIVE. Like you, I believe this needs to hold the absolute minimum. You mentioned, comments can go off-chain (2nd layer). I believe also post content shall go 2nd layer.

I also believe, all content, posts, comments, images, video and whatnot, shall be 100% control-able by the user. When the user decides to remove content, or make the content private (to a selected group, or hide it to all users), this shall be possible, this shall be a base feature!

I've seen quite a few users that I puled to 3Speak, stop using the service after they noticed their content can be downloaded by anybody. And I failed to pull some users when I was telling them upfront, others can download the video.

I've not promoted 3Speak to any of my friends being professional music players (DJs), creators and producers, since I know they will only make use of an audio/video platform with which they can 100% control their content, ie remove content when they want. As a mater of fact, this holds also true for all those other professional musicians which are not in my circle of friends. And what I've seen so far, it even holds true for the none professional musicians. Maybe not all, but many.

Moving all content to a layer where content can be in control by the user for the 100%, is therefor a great step forward to what we currently have in and around HIVE.

When the SPK network hosts the content, and the user removes the content, is this content removed from the whole SPK network automatically? What happens with those PINning content to their own node like now possible through the 3Speak Desktop App?

Self Hosting is the way forward for sure though it'll take considerable time before everybody on planet earth can self host. Not just a self hosting device must be available, this device also needs to be online 24x7 without interruptions to give the content consumer the required user experience. Such self hosting service must be simple to setup and use for anybody, the mass who doesn't understand technology at all. And self hosting must therefore be possible through any type of device. Ie, not only a desktop, laptop, but also a tablet, phone and whatnot. Maybe some special self host device can be created based on one of these small and inexpensive compute systems (Raspberry Pi or something similar), packaged in a cool (Apple/Samsung-like) case with proper integration with the users content creators devices (laptop, phone and whatnot). This then required for eg 3Speak App to be able to run on such device as well, or at least the backend, ie the IPFS part and the backend of 3Speak App (where eg the PINing takes place and other controls).

When self hosting with SPK network, is it possible for others to download the content to its own content node as well? When so, can the content owner decide to allow this or not? When other nodes can PIN posts, ie downloading the content for further distribution, how is that content removed when the owner of the content decides to remove the content on its own self hosting device? Or limit access to the content to a selected number if users?

I believe, when this whole thing started back in 2016, one of the arguments for having all content on layer 1 without the ability to remove or edit the content, was related to the rewards: When content gets rewarded in monetary terms, the content shall remain accessible by the public.

What is your view regarding rewards given to content which is removed later by the user?