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RE: Sex & Crypto - Ep. 2

in Threespeak3 years ago

It was nice to get a inside peak into the Man and his wife? It is my first time tuning in and listening while I just starting drinking my coffee this morning, so I may have missed that detail.

Dan brought up an interesting point that I have experienced after having two children with my kid's mother. In ways I did feel accomplished after having two kids to the point of not feeling like there was much to life afterwards. Yeah, other things in my life going on but overall I think he nailed it from a Man's perspective.

I have been meaning to do a keto post on my diet. Hearing you two talk about diet and consuming food but also exercising was cool. I spent most of my life exercising, playing sports and having a very physically demanding job. Currently, I am in a big transition in life where I have changed my environment and way of living but need to do more cardio. Because of my muscle memory and keto diet I have like no fat. I want to stop drinking coffee to reduce my acid (PH) levels in my blood. I think Dan is right exercise will help increase my energy levels/oxygen levels for energy.

I am 37 in two weeks and have lost my sex drive. I really do not think that is healthy and in ways want to change that. Maybe exercise will help that but I am very cautious to just start that up again. I recently moved from sick environment in Las Vegas, NV to a healthy society in Boise, Idaho where maybe I can have a healthy relationship so perhaps I need to get my oxygen and cardio back up despite my physical body being very fit.

Anyways, I thought it was cool to get a inside look into Dan's life. The title was alluring but I was surprised to hear a very kosher talk about health and life that was actually PG rated. Seems like you are working on baby #2 and it is cool to hear Dan training for you and the new baby.


Ok I just saw that you and Dan are indeed married by visiting your profile page😅

lol for a second i thought you were talking about this being dan larimer's wife lol now thatd be a good sign for hive lol

dude we got the wives of all these tech billionaires to divorce them from bezos to gates to musk, and now were gonna use blockchain to help form the perfect relationships and match up all these people in avrious projects.. i think itd be cool to get everyone to TRY OUT "work' on one of various projects on hive... and then we start using AI to see who works best with who, so we can create working relationships of productive couples, eventually breeding a super race of blockhain supported and educated families

imagine 3speak used for some sort of decentralized real estate and education home school learning network and rental system where hive rewards go to pay rent at suburban planned hive communities etc

This Dan, theycallmedan, is actually successful past being just a spook for the government like Dan L. I love this Dan's game theory, solid relationship advice as well as health advice. If only They Call Me Dan and his wife were around to help those tech billionaires stay in a healthy relationship! Though Bezos is looking like he is taking theycallmedan's health advice... You see him on that yacht shirtless bro? lol.