The Violence Won't Stop Until We Push Back #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd

in Threespeak5 years ago

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The Violence Won't Stop Until We Push Back

Derrick Broze checks in to talk about what needs to happen if we want to stop the police violence in our communities.

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We must stop the violence in all of the countries.

True, but it's tough if the police start the violence..!?

Best thing is to control/put into place the puppets (police) master (politicians).
But that only might work.... organizing communities makes definitely sense...
Still, violence only creates more violence.
Big Numbers of people on the streets normally does the job.
We gotta fight to bring back the right to assemble in big numbers.

OP, you probably know about this already but if not it will assist you.

The enemies of man must be slain in the political arena. Freedom must live in the hearts and minds of men.