Free Thinker Radio (6/30/20): The Great Reset is Coming

in Threespeak5 years ago

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Derrick Micah and Johnny are back for another episode of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 KPFT Houston.

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I appreciate you having these conversations. However, I had to stop watching in frustration during discussion of Houston's orders supposedly taken to prevent infection.

Curfews do not prevent infection. Bandannas over the face do not prevent infection. Reducing the number of customers served in a restaurant do not prevent infection. These orders are not issued in order to prevent infection.

These orders do impose unlawful authority over free people. That is why these orders are issued.

At the point I was no longer able to watch, while the speakers speculated whether masks save lives, or the orders help, I became frustrated that no one simply observed that free people are not subject to such orders.

You are not responsible to not infect me. It is not lawful to order you to protect me. I am responsible to protect myself. The essential problem the world is facing today is not pandemic, it is oppression, and keeping your discussion within the bounds by failing to advocate for free people undertaking responsibility for their health and keeping armed force illegal but lends authority to chattelization.

I hope you later did bring up this issue, but I simply couldn't stomach the failure to oppose the essential tyranny that is the real issue Americans face today if you did until you did.

It is none of some armed gang of thugs business whether I do business, nor how I do it. It has become the standard operating procedure globally to tolerate armed gangs parasitizing our production, and it's time that ended. We are sovereign, free people, and it is not acceptable to me to discuss whether the corral we are confined in should be painted blue or red.

Fuck the corral.



PLEASE NOTE: This user is known for spreading dangerous misinformation that may be harmful to your health and well being. Please do your own research via legit, reputable sources and ignore the basement dwelling conspiracy theorist.