3Speak Stats August 2020 | Activities, Users, Votes

in Threespeak5 years ago

August has passed and its time for some monthly stats. 3Speaks is one of the top Hive dApp and that continues to develop and grow on the Hive blockchain.

3Speak is constantly improving its platform and promoting it to the content creators. The platform promotes free speech and censorship free values. A platform where you can speak your truth, without the fear of being banned.



Here we will take a look at the activity on the platform, the overall number of posts and comments, and the number of users. The top content creators for August 2020 will be presented as well.

3Speak started its journey somewhere around May 2019. More than a year in operation now!

Activity on 3Speak

First let us see the number of posts, or to be more exact videos coming from the platform.

Here is the chart.


A clear up trend that here with some flattening in the last month. The platform is still new and there is a volatility in the number of posts. 3Speak had a few days down time in July that has impacted the numbers nut just a bit.

On average there is around 33 video uploads per day in August 2020. Compared to the 122 post per day in July the numbers are a bit up.

Here is the number of posts summarized by month.


Similar trend here as the daily posts. An uptrend and a flatening in the last months.

3Speak Authors

How is 3Speak doing with the number of authors on the platform?

Here is a chart on the number of monthly authors that posted on the 3Speak platform.


The overall number of authors that uploaded a video in August is 686.

Next the number of unique authors that posted on the 3Speak platform. These are authors that posted directly through 3Speak frontend.


The number of unique 3Speak authors is showing continuous growth. Even in the last months, when the activity is constant, the numbers of new authors trying out the platform is growing.

A total of 2106 unique authors have used 3Speak to post, adding more than 250 new unique authors in the month.

Top 3Speak Authors

Here is the rank of the authors that posted/uploaded the most in August 2020 on 3Speak.


Some high numbers on the top 😊.

3Speak Votes

3Speak supports its content creators with votes from their official @threespeak account. It has a bit more than a 1 million SP. A lot of the times @theycallmedan also joins the party and vote on 3Speak content.

Here we will be looking into the number of votes from the official @threespeak account.

Here is the chart.


The voting started in June 2019, with the number of daily votes growing up until October, when there are days with 250 votes. Afterwards the number of daily votes dropped and in August 2020 the average number of daily votes is above 40.

Nice job from 3Speak supporting the content creators and distributing rewards.

The Most Supported 3Speak Authors in August 2020

Below is a table for top authors who have received support from 3Speak in form of votes in August 2020.

RankAuthorSum of Vote Weight

The ranking is made by the cumulative vote weight that authors received from @threespeak, meaning one vote at 100% is better than 3 votes at 20%.

Congrats to the users above.

All the best


A total of 2106 unique authors have used 3Speak to post, adding more than 250 new unique authors in the month.

3Speak is moving in the right direction

On average there is around 33 video uploads per day in August 2020. Compared to the 122 post per day in July the numbers are a bit up.

133? :)

Yeah. I had to do a double-take on that one too @bil.prag.

I guess he means 133.

Still talking in SP I see :p


That's the way I like it