Dutch Hive Meetup was a Success

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⚙️Organizing the Meetup

We had always intended to organize the 2nd Meetup, but due to the demands of our personal lives, it had slipped our minds. Fortunately, the initiative of @tibfox and his project @hive-eu served as a wake-up call, motivating us to prioritize the organization of the meetup.


🚃Getting to Breda


Initially, our plan was to hold the meetup in Utrecht, but we realized that it would be inconvenient for some of us due to the distance. Consequently, we decided that Breda would be a more central location for everyone involved. Most of us opted to travel by car, resulting in an approximately one-hour drive. However, @minigunner and @artakush faced a longer journey of 2.5 hours by train, which was further complicated by overcrowded conditions, adding a touch of amusement to their trip. 😒


📌The Meetup

As soon as we rolled into town, we bumped into the one and only @cooperclub and his son. And guess what? Hold onto your seats, folks—@cooperclub was driving a Mini Cooper! Talk about a match made in automotive heaven, right? 😁 He graciously chauffeured us to the buzzing heart of Breda, the "Binnenstad," where we rendezvoused with the rest of the gang: @loonatic, @edb, and @stresskiller.

Now, let me take a moment to give a shout-out to our buddy @stresskiller. Stepping out of his comfort zone, kicking anxiety in the butt, and joining us—it was an absolute honor to finally meet him. We're beaming with pride, my friend! And hey, don't worry, @stresskiller, we won't make you conquer the stage in front of a thousand people next time... or maybe we will, just kidding! 😁

Now, let's spill the beans on the meetup itself. It was pure awesomeness! We laughed, we chatted, and we dove headfirst into sharing our Hive experiences. Of course, we couldn't resist discussing the fascinating world of AI and its impact, both positive and negative, on our beloved Hive. But you know what? The weather was absolutely stunning, and the vibes were off the charts, so we ended up drifting into all sorts of captivating conversations.

Of course, a meetup isn't complete without drinks and delicious food. We indulged like there was no tomorrow! After a few glorious hours, it was time to bid farewell and head home. Poor @minigunner and @artakush had another epic 2.5-hour journey back to The Hague. Talk about dedication, folks! 😂Can't wait for the next adventure!

📅See you next time

Hey there, you awesome bunch! We're overjoyed that you're all here, taking time out of your super busy schedules to hang out with us. We're hoping these meetups will pull in more Dutchies to join the party, so we can make things official and rock Hive like never before!

Guess what? It's time for Dutch Hive Meet Part 3, happening in August. Get ready for an all-day extravaganza, where we'll dive into some seriously cool stuff happening on Hive. We'll brainstorm like crazy, discussing how to supercharge our community and spread the word to the world. Let's make some noise and bring Hive to the masses, my friends!

Hold up, hold up! We can't forget to give a massive shout-out to: @hiveio, @guiltyparties, and @tibfox! They hooked us up with some seriously cool merch, and let me tell you, it was a showstopper! Brace yourselves for this one, folks—people on the train were literally Googling what the heck "Hive" was! Yup, you heard it right. The merch had them scratching their heads, chatting away, and sparking curiosity like wildfire. Mission accomplished, my friends! The verdict is in: the merch is pure magic. Thank you from the bottom of our buzzing hearts! 😁

❤️Thank you everyone






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het was gezellig ...

Get was zeker leuk 😀 Volgende keer maken wij het wat langer met wat meer structuur 😁

ik probeer er dan weer bij te zijn :)

Super 😍 Wij gaan wat leuks verzinnen 😎

ik ben benieuwd waar je mee komt :)

Wij houden idereen op de hoogte 😁 Hopelijk ben jij er dan ook 😍

als het maar geen viswedstrijd wordt 😁

Wow 🕺 Wohoooo 💃 Yihaawr 🤠

What a great and fun meetup you all had! I am super stoked to see the Merch and table stand for the first time on a real meetup - it fills me with pride and small little tears of joy collected in my tired eyes. No I am not crying but 2:31 made me very happy. Great vlog by the way - would be super cool to see more of you!

Sadly I was not able to join you... But probably next time 👊

Thank you Tibs for the push 😍 Hive in Europe really needs that extra push since the most stuff is now happening in South-America and Asia.

you like the sticker? hahah. I seriously hope you will make it next time. Im trying to make a vlog, imma do some geotag spotting to see where i put the cbrs sticker with qr code

It was super fun and right from the start. Video was made nice

Maybe next meetup at your place 😜

Middelburg here we come ...

You are not so far away from @loonatic. Will you join us next time?

maar ik was er al 😁🤣🤣

Yaaaaaay!!! Now seeing the "images in motion" too lol

So, in August edition 3?

The stickers are cool 🤓

😋 Yep, in August we will have our 3d Dutch Hive Meetup 😍 With some extra organizing, support from the community and Hive we should be able to prepare something great 😍 Comming? 😁

In August I think already at another destination, but but but we never know. Maybe I get on my bike & train and we come hahaha

Did you see where is the HiveFest this year? Bike and train are not enough :D

Yeah this year Hivefest is too far away 😁 Can't get there by bike LOL

🚳 😂

I love the sticker as well!!

I have one sticker that Mr Mipiano brought from Amsterdam. One day if a buy a white car, the red Hive logo will be proudly featured on it :))))

Looks like a great meet up guys!

Did you manage to recruit the other two onlookers? They seemed very interested 😉

Thank you 😘

Hahaha, we did show some skin when changing Tshirts to Hive Shirts... and I think we scared them away 😁

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!! It's nice to see those Dutch canals again... Was passing by Breda when I was traveling to Eindhoven, but didn't check it out... Maybe when you organize the next meetup there? 😃

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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You can pass by any time and we will drive to Breda 😁 It is a beautiful city. Next meetup won't be in Breda but I am sure we will pick a very nice place 😉

HiveFest was very short, so I will have to come once again to the Netherlands and give it a second chance... Hopefully, without too much rain... 😃

The rain wasn't that bad after drinks 😁 But yeah, a lot more to see when it's good weather. Well, we are here so if you plan your trip, join our Discord channel and we can meetup :)

Great overview guys. Super to see people get together and grow the community.

We have to keep on meeting or else the community will fade away :( Europe must unite again! 😜

tell that to the UK 🤣🤣🤣

Is that a country? 😁

depends on your definition of a country

Just messing around 😁

ik ook 🤣🤣🤣


what do you mean @stresskiller 😆

something with Brexit ... 😁

really enjoyed the meetup, even if it was only couple hours. we had great laughs, discussions about gaming and upcoming AI! And got to enjoy Breda in a very sunny day! What can be better on a regular Monday?

Indeed Art, the 5 hour trip was worth it 😁

public transportation in holland is a mess way to expensive

During normal working days it's fine. But, when it's weekend and some sort of holiday they shorten the trains and put les trains on the track to save money :P

het is nog steeds goedkoper met de auto dan met de trein :)

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For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Yay! 🤗
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Ach die @stresskiller 😍 Heel lief 😍

Toffe post maat "match made in automotive heaven" lol, ga het gewoon nog een keer zeggen maar het was echt gezellig. Kan niet wachten op die barbecue..... haha.


Jah joh het was super leuk. Ik denk dat we allemaal wel een klik hadden en dat de volgende keer nog leuker word.

Alleen maar beter vanaf hier.... die klik haha welke, nou niet gelijk opscheppen he😉

haha "klik" dat wij gelijk gingen praten en lachen en niet stil zitten 🤣

Top gozers, jullie allemaal


Great effort King @coldbeetrootsoup, cooperclub(1/5) is grateful for the work and dedication you put into this post. Your contributions are truly appreciated.

God damn this post is wonderful! You deserve this @cooperclub has sent you this gift of 50.0 BUDS. Keep it up!

BTW! BUDS is the token of the hashkings ecosystem, you can use it to have discounts in all our games or stake it and earn rewards now!

kan jij als cbrs mijn laatse post reposten en liken aub die van S&S dank u meneer.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@cooperclub(1/20) tipped @coldbeetrootsoup