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RE: Community Token Talk - Episode 6

in Threespeak3 years ago (edited)

I'm going to hijack this post to ask you to intervene to help this person:

If you look at their account they seem to be subject to a targetted harassment campaign by azircon. As in they get lots of small upvotes, and then a big fat downvote cancelling it all. As far as l can tell the downvote is not for plagiarism or abuse but purely because a whale doesn't like their content. But surely in a free speech zone you should be able to post what you like, and if readers don't like it, just mute and move on instead of downvoting to hurt their earnings.

Anyway, can someone senior on this site please intervene. The victim is getting very distressed.


lol - Don't worry about me - your interpreting my 'distress' incorrectly, I can assure you.
No problems except for what you've mentioned, obviously re the downvoting.

I'm touched by your concern, but I can assure - it's misplaced. Life is dandy!

You shouldn't joke about killing yourself.

I joke about everything.
And anything.

I've just written you a lengthier reply to your suggestions.

There are more decent people knocking around, than wankers.(even though they appear to have the majority of stake on this platform!lol)
Thanks again.

Some ppl should start asking for tips to be sent either directly in hive or on the v4v podcasting system set up by brianoflondon using the lightening network. No one can remove these types of tips