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RE: Giving away $22 just for Your OPINION On The Market :)

in Threespeak4 years ago

Regarding your question, first I want to say that people are waking up to a reality where we see that we can have control of the situation, control of our money and our opinions. When people know the potential of hive (hive blog) where you can talk freely and where everything is decentralized, we will see many more people in this ecosystem.
On the other hand, none of this would be possible without the investors and people who carry out the curations, they are a vital part of the chain. This leads to the development of technology and applications such as threespeak, peakd, ecency, leofinance and many others. This is just beginning, volatility will always be present, because capital can be moved from one place to another 24/7, but a pattern that I think will continue to be preserved is the injection of capital into the blockchain.

I, for example, have just liquidated a small position in the traditional market because I understand that the power of growth and appreciation here in hive is quite large.
Finally, I thought that this was necessary, the change was coming, as Elon Musk said on his twitter.

@steemer-sayu907 I hope you are ok

