Anyone that says they haven't apologised for anything is either lying or a cad.
Those chocolates look pretty damn good! I am currently cheerfully eating my way out from under a pile of chocolate that I got for Christmas and am very happy about because chocolate is one of my favourite things x_x
I would have been annoyed at you for just taking a bite though, eat the whole damn thing XP

Many cads around the place.
I can't eat the whole thing, too mu h sugar, so I'm lucky my partner is tolerant. She'll probably not eat those chocolates either so they'll sit there until I get back around to a few more nibbles.
You got much more to get through?
Chocolate? Yeeeeeesssss? >_>
that's one area I'm doing way too well in and would like that success to transfer to more important things x_x
It sounds like your chocolate skills are at expert level. Nice work, an inspiration to us all.