Time to give thanks

in Shit Photography3 days ago


I was called into the Director's office today unexpectedly. I wasn't at all concerned, I've nothing on my conscience, however I was rather curious considering it rarely happens. I went in, sat down and exchanged pleasantries and chatted about stuff until he got to the point.

It seems some of our (my) clients had contacted him directly and spoken about me specifically and the Director wanted to address it personally.

Again, I was curious but unconcerned; his body language indicated there was nothing wrong and as it turns out, there was everything right!

I was pleased to read some of the positive feedback my clients had sent him and, without sounding boastful, it made my day week month and more. I am paid well for what I do but to have that feedback is what fills my cup, so to speak. It's rewarding. Sure, I need to earn money and compliments, no matter how nice, don't buy groceries, but it's amazing how uplifting and empowering they can be, and how the endorsement from clients can make one feel so good...and that makes people better at what they do. I think gratitude, for that's what they were showing towards me, is incredibly powerful.

I'm not one to need motivation from external sources, I'm a self-starter, but that doesn't mean it's not important, valuable and positive to receive by way of gratitude, thanks, favourable comments and endorsements. Of course, having advocates out there promoting me to people and organisations I don't even know yet is always good for business. It's nice to know when one's hard work is appreciated and I think it's also nice to show that appreciation and give thanks when due.

I wonder about you though. Are you one to thank, and show gratitude towards, those who do a good job for you or assist in some way? Have you received such thanks and gratitude? I think we all respond well to it and should all know when it's time to give thanks.

Tell me about your situations in the comments if you'd like.

Also, here's a shit photo of one of my watches I took the other day; not the best, but that's ok, it'll do.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


This is indeed the perfect post to say: Thank you, GalenKP, for your continued support despite my absence sometimes and not being as active as I'd like to be. I have noticed over the past week or so that you have been upvoting some of my comments that I left for others and I had wanted to thank you for those but didn't want to put it into a random comment under a random post. So, here is your gratitude post and it just fits this purpose. So - thank you. And not only for the monetary upvote, but for acknowledging my comment. I appreciate you.

I wholeheartedly agree with your post. Showing gratitude so it is seen by others may serve as a means to uplift directly and indirectly. I, too, am good at my job, I know it. When colleagues or customers comment to that effect, it always makes me a little uncomfortable (stupid women's feeling that is!). Thankfully, over the years, I have had bosses who knew it, too. Some more, some less appreciative. It makes such a huge difference to have a boss that shows such appreciation every once in a while. Hmm, this thought makes me check in with myself, as a boss myself, to ensure that I do the same. I think I do but I also think that there is almost always room for improvement.

I like to reward people whose company I enjoy and those who engage with relevance and personality...of course, those who power up and support others also...that you. So, that's why I've upvoted a few here and there. I spend some time looking at people's engagement and if I see some who are genuine with it then I'm more willing to vote on them.

Thanks for saying thanks, that says a lot in itself.

I like the rest of your comment, the thoughts behind it and yep, nice to hear thos post caused a self-check which is something we should all be doing, all the time.

In business, I always found that a happy workforce is a productive workforce and a little gratitude goes a long long way.

Praise, (it came along with the situation I mention) goes a long way and not just the praise from my clients/Director but the praise I was subsequently able to heap upon those around me (admin and support teams and colleagues for instance) for what they do to make what I do look seamless, professional and efficient. Genuine praise, gratitude and appreciation is a powerful thing.

I guess I try to show the same here to people who engage regularly and with personality and relevance, and for other reasons as well. I appreciate it and like to show that as best I can. I fail slot, but succeed sometimes I think.

Anyway, the power of a thank you or some genuine comments of praise and appreciation can be such powerful things.

I think we can safely say that you succeed.

Thank you, I appreciate you saying so.

Every day of my life after I open my eyes and I am grateful for a new opportunity on this earth, I think of all the people who are helping me to evolve, to heal, and those who listen to me... I think of every moment of my life that provides me with some learning and I am grateful for all of that.
I thank you for all that you have supported me and for the trust you have placed in me. And I know that somehow one day I will be able to return it. 🤗

Aww, nice message, thanks. You're welcome for the support, I'm happy to give it and will continue to do so. Happy weekend.

Happy weekend to you too. Mine is going well, with a bit of pain in my legs and thighs.

There are times I have volunteers help me with certain tasks at work. I always make it a point to give them a shout out in one of my mass emails that I send out to the other people in the company. I also stand up and board meetings sometimes and point out those who helped get the job done. It's pretty rare that I get called into the boss's office. He usually just lets me do my thing, so I always get a big edgy when I do. Like give me a little context at least so I am not sitting fussing over it!

Calling out others for good work is a very positive thing and when done in front of a group (team meetings, bulk emails etc.) can return massive dividends to the overall mood, tone and attitude of the entire organisation, and that's not to mention the personal benefit to the individual. All good leaders will give praise where it's due, keep that praise for genuine reasons (not fake-ass bullshit), and will never take the credit for work the team or a team member has done. That's leadership suicide.

Anyway, good work for the shoutouts you do, keep them coming.

Thanks, I try. I'm still learning! I went for fifteen years or so as a one man department.

Makes it hard, but one can always pat oneself on the back. 🤔

I definitely know how that feels and totally agree.
It's always nice to receive genuine compliments. Some people mention in the comments they always say thank you when someone helps them, but I think it's a bit more than that.
It's someone that takes the time to tell you or even other persons that you did a good job.
It happened to me recently when someone from the management team especially complimented colleague and me during a company wide session for the project we had done.
That was more valuable than the voucher for the restaurant we received later on.

It doesn't cost you anything but some time to mention someone did a good job, so we could really do that more often.

I agree, it's more than saying thank you or a reward (voucher), there's other elements to it, as you point out, that can combine into a really great moment for the individual. Actually, the scenario you mentioned could be of benefit to the entire team as a motivator, an example, which helps lift everyone.

Thanks for commenting.

I try to thank those who has helped me. I respond to all comments I get here. Even if it is just ,,nice post'' or ,,Thumbs up'' emoji. For a long time I was even upvoting them and only recently(when Commentrewarder was created) I became a bit more picky about comments I upvote. Getting more thoughtful comments is always nice. I don't know if thank enough for my big supporters like: You, acidyo, tarazkp, jkramer...In a way I feel that if I would thank very often that would be also begging/ pressuring to support me more. Still I try to thank from time to time without it sounding needy.

Gratitude is important, saying thank you also. I don't think I'd ever call a person needy for saying thank you; they're powerful words and speak highly of those who say them in any situation. Keep up the good work.

I always say thank you, it comes naturally to me and I think it is very important to both give and receive thanks, it encourages you to keep up the good work and the person who receives thanks feels really good... and the person who gives thanks feels even better. I have always been like that.

Giving thanks is telling the universe, this is good for me and I want more of the same.

I have received thanks from many people, especially those I have helped in personal things and to heal their inner self, that fills me with satisfaction, to know that I have helped them.

The clock... it looks like a great levitation work!!!

It's rewarding to an individual to uplift others I think, and a thank you or showing some gratitude, is one of the easier ways to make people (and oneself) feel really great. It works in business as it's motivating for everyone and personally as it builds solid bonds.

Totally true, I have met great people like this and it has been a beautiful relationship.

I don't know if I ever show enough gratitude, but I try, even simple things like thanking someone for helping me, even when it's their job. So many jobs are thankless in general and so many companies forget they don't exist without real people doing what has to be done on every level. It is nice to get a "thank you" or "great job" now and then even when you would do a good job every day no matter what.

Of course occasionally there as thanks for things you had no choice but to do, the extra stuff, like mandatory over time, which is hollow, because they know you don't want to do it and wouldn't if there was a choice not too and still keep your job. Those Thank You's make me roll my eyes. 🙄

Glad you boss chose to pass on the good words. I know that had to feel good.

I think it can be overdone at times and then it can come across as disingenuous. I think it's best to make it relevant and timely, genuine as well. As you say, it should also be for things that truly require it and not done flippantly.

That photo might be shit. But your typographical ramblings are always straight up good Shit Stuff. Non Poo Poo.

Cheers to You my friend.!! 🍻

Lol...non poo poo is usually my goal although, sometimes I aim for shit...good shit that is.

I've always acknowledged proper work and effort. Whether it be the deliveryman, an employee, or a colleague even; a little compliment itself goes a long, long way. And I believe everyone should do so! Learn to appreciate good work and energy.

Showing appreciation is such a powerful thing for all concerned, keep up the good work.

Always! Not everyone wants and thinks only about money and incentives. A little bit of appreciation can do wonders for people; even make the whole damn day memorable for them.

Money, while important, is a rather mundane thing; the reward that comes through praise, endorsement, thanks and gratitude is more powerful.



Hi Galen, they say where I come from that he who is not grateful is not well born. I share that opinion, I think I am a grateful person, I think you have to be. And I do not tolerate ungrateful people near me. In Hive where I have been able to, I have given help to some hiver, and I have always found gratitude, directly or indirectly.

I'm happy for you the situation in the director's office, and the picture... not bad, what's missing?

I get well rewarded for my role, monetarily, that pays the bills, but the satisfaction comes from achievement, teamwork, camaraderie, being agile, a sense of purpose and so on; also, from the feedback like I mention above which comes when all the other things combine.

What you say about satisfaction I think understand very well. In my work the great reward is to finish a job that has been done side by side with a client and that the whole process ends well. I have talked about this with other colleagues in the profession and it is a general feeling. In my case, although I don't expect a thank you, I also appreciate, and very much, if someone says something nice to me.

I wish you a great Friday, the weekend is coming.

Have a great Friday also, I'm a third of the way through mine, probably all done by the time you read this I guess, and it's a three day weekend for me so yay!

My Friday starts now, with a hot coffee.

A very big greeting.

Mine's (workday) is done...I'm home and yep, a coffee!

And now three days off, enjoy them. 👋

Positive feedback always brings happiness, good if in a position to give it to people, receiving a compliment from clients makes one go that extra mile!

I agree, it's a good motivation and affects a person more, and on deeper levels, than monetary rewards most often. It just feels good.

Genuinely kind comments always go a lot further than compensation quite often.

Praise for a job well done is a great motivator for an employee, especially if he comes from a higher position.
The counter effect of praise is only in the situation when there are too frequent, and they are not accompanied by any kind of reward (preferably monetary).
I like to praise the colleagues I work with for a job well done, and to say "Thank you".
As well as give criticism when something is not well done.

As a leader myself, I give praise where it is due, but only when it is due because it has to be genuine. I also don't believe praise has to come with financial reward, often that diminishes the value of a heartfelt thank you or greatitide. Praise has to be relevant and if not, it diminishes and cheapens those occasions when it is relevant.

I agree it is great to receive positive feedback - it uplifts you and sometimes gives you a great satisfaction that not all you do is in vain.
Also, sometimes hard work is paid off (in good words and why not in actual proceeds) after years of efforts, but what can you do..? Be persistent and be good at what you do, I guess...
take care!

Persistance is a good personal quality to possess.

I try to show gratitude but sometimes their reaction surprises me as they may have not been shown that!

Yeah, some people may not be used to it I guess, but it's always good to show it regardless.

I always say thank you to the people who helps me.😊😊

That's good, shows good manners.

Thank you.😊 It's the right thing to do.😊

Cheers 👍 for making your direction and country proud