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RE: Time to give thanks

in Shit Photography3 days ago (edited)

I definitely know how that feels and totally agree.
It's always nice to receive genuine compliments. Some people mention in the comments they always say thank you when someone helps them, but I think it's a bit more than that.
It's someone that takes the time to tell you or even other persons that you did a good job.
It happened to me recently when someone from the management team especially complimented colleague and me during a company wide session for the project we had done.
That was more valuable than the voucher for the restaurant we received later on.

It doesn't cost you anything but some time to mention someone did a good job, so we could really do that more often.


I agree, it's more than saying thank you or a reward (voucher), there's other elements to it, as you point out, that can combine into a really great moment for the individual. Actually, the scenario you mentioned could be of benefit to the entire team as a motivator, an example, which helps lift everyone.

Thanks for commenting.