A train trip (Catalonia-Madrid); a life

in Shit Photography2 months ago


 This post is a first response to @ineyashami's invitation to participate in the @holos-lotus community initiative “Píldoras para la depresión" / "Pills for depression”. Being this sequence of photos, taken by a shity photographer, a small reflection of a trip to Catalonia in September 2024.

 Those days I was testing the camera of my new cell phone with the sole purpose of getting to know my new companion. Among these tests are these photos.

 They were not only tests, they were/are also a reflection on urban life and its relationship with those open spaces that surround every big city. Fields dotted with multiple infrastructures that nourish urban spaces with life.


publication While that was the rule of these images, the invitation of @ineyashami and her give a new meaning to this series of photographs. @ineyashami is a very special being, with a great sensitivity that she shows in each publication, both in her texts and in the designs she creates. A being that has given a new value to these images. Thank you for remembering me.

 These photographs that I show today, in a certain order, a mixture of grays and faint colors, reflect part of a journey, mine. A journey whose last station, no doubt, is to die. Don't worry, I'm not melancholic, I'm just a realist.

 A road full of crossroads that demand, like the sphinx, the right answers to continue avoiding the inevitable, because dying is not only something physical.

 In the photographs we can recreate ourselves in the emptiness, in the nothingness, in the absence of color, or feel the life that dwells in them. A network of warehouses, roads, highways, railways, traveled by thousands of workers who transport the energy that gives breath to every big city.

 Once we decide what to see, whether emptiness or life, it is no less important to decide from where we observe it. Most of these images show us landscapes seen through glass. A screen that, although it provides security, invites us to live life as spectators. A life without pain, but without meaning, without enjoyment.

 I have spent years traveling sheltered by that glass wall. Bad experiences made me see the other always as a danger. Perpetual refuge has only one drawback. The lonely heart dries up without caresses, hugs, kisses, in the same way that the tree dries up in the desert.

 In my more than five decades of existence I have been getting on and off the train, and my fears have been fading as I have been valuing myself more. It is true, the gaze of the other can kill, but only if our life depends on it.

 Now, I appreciate the applause when I receive it and it is deserved, everyone likes a caress. If I don't receive them and I deserve them, I have no problem with applauding myself. I am my biggest critic and my biggest fan.

 It is not so long ago that I got off the train, and I must say that on more than one occasion I have been tempted to go back to protecting myself behind the glass. At this moment, I thank all the abusers I have encountered along the way for their presence. They have helped me to become who I am now.

 At the end of this series of captured moments, when the light escapes, the right answer is to enjoy the sunset. Something that is only possible with the certainty that tomorrow there will be a new day. Death is not the end, it is only more life.



All images are taken on the same day. The first ones in Catalonia, the last ones are from Madrid, near the Atocha train station.












Thank you for joining me.


Banner edited with Canva pro and cropped with ezgif.com.


Avatar created with IA Ideogram.


Captura de pantalla 2024-07-14 201751.png

Translated into English from my native language Spanish with DeepL.

All photographs are my property.

Posted Using INLEO


I have so many things on my mind to tell you... and yet, I don't know where to start.

Death. Yes, one dies in many ways, I know it, I know it well. But I also know what it is to live, and to feel... and that gives me hope that every day, or at any moment, even, right now, in this second, I can be born again.

Abuses. The story I told you about the neighbour at the back of my house, I've even thought about writing it down. Because abuse... abuse is everywhere. And you can't imagine how many people make drama out of you and then abuse you as soon as you let your guard down and satisfy their narcissism... Well, you can imagine it and you know it. That's why I lock myself in my house... and I'm almost living a life as a spectator... I was like that once and then things happened, life's twists and turns that helped me to get out from behind that glass, and for which I'm absolutely grateful. But I don't deny that many times I want to go back to that glass. I'm afraid... I'm afraid of everything around me, of the people around me, of life here... but I deal with it.

(I don't know if my state of mind reaches you but what I feel doesn't fit in a simple comment)

Noble soul. You are one of those noble souls. Beware of people who only seek to take advantage of you. That's all I'm saying.

Good morning @nanixxx, I can't say for sure that I got your mood when you wrote this reply, but I think I know. Fear has been a leading emotion in my life. It still is at times.

Abuse I have lived it, even on social networks, we live in a world where many miserable people inhabit, that's how it is. And I don't want to compare myself to you, you are very brave living in the reality you live in. I don't know if I would have the same courage to face life.

I don't know what to tell you, you haven't made it easy for me to answer, but I will tell you that every day I keep an eye out to see if you publish. In this matter of life and death, a little piece of you already lives in me.

A big hug @nanixxx.

Good morning! I need to sleep, but I know I won't get it if I don't answer you.

El miedo se esconde cuando se le mira de cerca. No subestimes el pasado...

Your post really touched me, text and photos, they really touched me deeply.

Everyone has their own battles to fight. And I hope I can somehow be among those who help you fight yours.

Have a nice day and hug yourself. You'll see that everything will be fine.


Rest. . in a few hours, or tomorrow, no hurry, I'll tell you a little story about the context of this publication ....

Good night @nanixxx.

Está bien. Gracias. 🤗👋🏻💤

Dicen que el vacio no es tan vacio y la nada nos tan nada, saludos viajero

Greetings friend Yolernis, they say so many things, but this one seems to be true. A big hug.

Saludos amiga Yolernis, dicen tantas cosas, pero ésta parece que es cierta. Un abrazo muy grande.

I just hope your mood is about to change.
It's not good to stay in what seems to me to be melancholy. The black and white, somewhat cloudy and the lonely spaces, hardly any humans, reflect loneliness, it even predisposes you to expect a zombie to appear on the scene.
I hope you're laughing, the photo I liked the most, the one of the griffin or dragon, who knows what the artist had in mind.
We're all going to die, but another day, not today.Hello @enraizar.

My mood is fine, my dear @felizmarranz. Those photos are from months ago and I didn't know what to do with them, but I didn't delete them (I like them). I remembered them yesterday when I read ineyashami's post.

I had intended to upload here something I photographed two days ago, but the plan changed. On the other hand, I don't feel uncomfortable swimming in swampy water...

I leave you a sample of the photos that should have been uploaded but were not:

Thanks for caring.

A big hug

una reflexion bastante interesante de la vida y el fin, saludos

Muchas gracias @katriel1, como bien dices es sólo una reflexión. Me alegra de que te haya resultado de interés. Un abrazo.

Bacanas fotos en blanco y negro, así como la vida triste antes de morir, naaaaa no es bacano morir, naaa

Hi @suisver, I'm not going to take away your point, dying is not cool. Thank you very much for the visit and for the comment.

A hug.

Hola @suisver, no te voy a quitar la razón, morir no es bacano. Muchas gracias por la visita y por el comentario.

Un abrazo.

La última foto es hermosa... las demás no tanto

I leave you a picture, just for you, I hope you like it. Thank you very much for your visit and for your sincerity.

A big hug.

Te dejo una foto, sólo para tí, espero que te guste. Muchas gracias por la visita y por la sinceridad.

Un abrazo muy grande.

The people who pass our way, during our lives make us what we are, because we learn from them or they make us stronger. The photographs have that air of nostalgia and the past, of passing through life, of train journeys... trains of life.

To die... to die of the physical world... but the soul continues, and I am thankful to have experienced where those who have gone before us are, because as Facundo Cabral says, those who die only go before us... but you can also die in life, I have gone through it, but I have been resurrected. Phoenix bird.

The last picture is my favourite! Good night!

Good morning @avdesing, besides the talent you have, I like your attitude towards life. You are a survivor, maybe a resurrected bird as you say, a phoenix that instead of living trapped in the past looks to the future. I love watching you grow in Hive. I'm sure in other projects you are growing as well.

About death, it has so many meanings..... I don't understand life without it.

A big hug @avdesing.

Thank you for those words! I always called myself a warrior of life, warriors go forward.

Death is not death, it's a step... it's part of life itself. So it is. Good Friday!

Good Friday! Hasta luego! 👋

He visto que no te envié el mensaje esta mañana, se quedó congledo, quizás falló el internet. Ahora, te estoy esperando (óleo?)... Hasta ahora..

Note preocupes, he tenido un día super ocupado, si hoy óleo jajaja un poco tarde! Buenas noches!!

Ya lo he visto, una preciosidad 😍. Hasta mañana. 👋

Super cansada... reviso un poco aquí y a descansar! Hasta mañana


Muchas gracias por el apoyo. Un saludo muy grande.

Que hermosas fotos ,están muy preciosas y claro sin duda un hermoso significado que me gustó muchísimo y que demuestra una realidad la cual es ese viaje que atravesamos y como cada vez irá tomando matices distintos .
Igualmente muchas gracias por tan lindas palabras me alegraron mucho .
Un abrazo fuerte 🤗

Thanks @ineyashami for praising these photos, the last ones I think are really bad, but they fit with the text. Also, I took them the same day, I think I took the ones on the train on my way to Barcelona around 5pm and the last three in Madrid, around 9pm. It was like going from winter to spring....

There is a lot of light in you, maybe sometimes you don't see it, but there it is.

About your trajectory in Hive, I have no doubt that Hive has become something important in your life, and I'm glad it has, and to see you growing here.

A very big hug.

Gracias @ineyashami por elogiar estas fotos, las últimas creo que son realmente malas, pero encajaban con el texto. Además, las tomé el mismo día, creo que las del tren las tomé camino de Barcelona sobre las 17:00 horas y las tres últimas en Madrid, sobre las 21:00 horas. Fue como pasar del invierno a la primavera...

Hay mucha luz en ti, quizás algunas veces no la veas, pero ahí está.

Sobre tu trayectoria en Hive, no tengo ninguna duda de qué Hive se ha convertido en algo importante en tu vida, y me alegro de que así sea, y de verte crecer aquí.

Un abrazo muy grande.

Well, if you're not a photographer, you need to consider that profession, my friend, haha 😁.... The photos you share with us are excellent 💜 and that's exactly what they convey to me, emptiness, loneliness... Nothing. A situation like that must be very hard 👀. The good news is that there is almost always light at the end of the tunnel (for me it's almost always, but let's respect the margin of error in the statistics and leave it at that 😂)

Greetings 🙌🏽✨

Pues si no eres fotógrafo necesitas considerarlo amigo jaja 😁.... Están excelentes las fotos que nos compartes 💜 y es exactamente eso lo que me transmiten, vacío, soledad... Nada. Debe de ser muy fuerte una situación así 👀. La buena noticia es que casi siempre hay luz al final del túnel (para mí es casi siempre, pero respetemos el margen de error en las estadísticas y lo dejamos así 😂)

Saludos 🙌🏽✨

Thanks for stopping by and commenting @helicreamarket. Taking advantage of the visit I congratulate you for the new community of entrepreneurs and I wish you and the whole team a lot of success.

A big hug.

Gracias por pasarte y comentar @helicreamarket. Aprovechando la visita te felicito por la nueva comunidad de emprendedores y te deseo a ti y a todo el equipo muchos éxitos.

Un abrazo muy grande.

The human being lives the stages of life and death is one of them, some are not prepared for it, it creates fear, fear, however it is a rest like passing to another level that we do not know, what touches live do it to the fullest, taking advantage of the light that radiates the sun and the darkness that gives us the night.

I see it the same way, which I think makes me more responsible for what I do and don't do.

A big hug @mariiale1979.

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Thanks a lot @HiveBuzz team , I love collecting badges 😍, but it's getting harder every day. 🤣

Happy weekend.

You're welcome! It's great to hear that you enjoy collecting badges. Keep up the good work, and you'll reach your next target in no time. Have a fantastic wee too!

Cuando adolescente me auto criticaba porque me sentía incómodo entre la gente normal, pues no me gusta conversar por mucho tiempo, luego me convertí en artista y enfrente el miedo al público, luego fui luchador social y líder campesino, comprendí que nada a cambiado en la humanidad, ahora no me crítico por ser como soy porque descubrí que tenía razón, pero quería ser como los demás, y resulta que el ser humano tiene muchos problemas, es víctima de sus ilusiones y emociones apegos, y siempre ponen la cara mejor en público, pero no son felices, necesitan aprobación, controlar, ser alabados, ser protagonistas etc, eso no es que sea malo, lo malo está en el receso y en ser dependiente de esas sensaciones para alimentarse, he hoy día soy más feliz que antes pues si tienes lo necesario y lo imprescindible para vivir, ya estás triunfando, lo demás es inestable y cambiante, con honrosas excepciones, hay gente maravillosa que da gusto compartir, pero son pocos.

Siento contestarte tan tarde, estoy siendo víctima de mi profesión, ando algo desbordado. En muy pocas frases has trazado una linea de vida muy interesante por los retos afrontados y los resultados. Llegar a ese punto de no necesitar del aplauso externo me ha costado muchos años, aún me cuesta.

Te agradezco mucho esta visita, nunca me dejas comentarios huecos.

Un abrazo muy grande, @encuentro.

Congratulations @enraizar! You received a personal badge!

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May the Hive Power be with you!

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Congratulations @enraizar! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

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Hive Power Up Day - February 1st 2025

Many thanks to the entire @hivebuzz team.

A very big greeting.

Congratulations on participating in the PUD @enraizar. 💪🐝
