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RE: Three questions

in Shit Photography3 months ago

I like the simplicity behind the words and challenged by the complexity of bringing this to effect. Wonderful thoughts to send off 2024. Brilliant words to kick start “25 and the coming future.

Reading through made me notice how we as a people have put our selves second and allowed sellers and marketers to be the first voices of our lives long before we have decided where we are and where we want to go. Unfortunately this is happening at our own peril.


Agreed, many people (most probably) allow their lives to be pushed and pulled one way or another rather than them steering their own course because doing the latter takes more effort. Sad tlreally, but it's a choice people make for themselves.

I hope you have got some goals in place (and plans to attain them) for 2025.

I do and the three questions you have posed are a great foundation to a solid building. Really appreciate them.

Wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous “25