Mandarin Duck , is one of the rarest and weirdest animals in the world, this bird is a really special breed as it stay very high above waters and could next in a tree. This water bird always tends to go beyond hands reach . It's really cute and beautiful with its different colours on the body . In opinion I guessed a mutation occured in breeding this type of bird 🐦🐦.
The mother goes to a tree inside the bark and makes her nest , when the egg hatch she coax the baby duck or 🦆 duckling to jump into the water and then they swim away , the father duck then comes to join them as a family and protect both mother and child.
This specie is really nice and one could consider keeping it as a pet . It could cost a lot of money but having the mandarin Duck around you when you swim is a really sweet flex.
This birds attribute to staying in water for a long period , unlike some other species of ducks that stay on land for as long as a year . I bet the water duck cannot stay without water for so long . It's really amazing to discover nature's gift , a keep it close by as a pet .
Wow this duck looks amazing, would be truly wonderful as a pet .