Next Generation, I hope?
One of these days I'm going to start organizing regular parties on discord so you are welcome to come and speak English with us :-)
My favorite phrases to learn are "I am...." "She is...." and just make absurd sentences everywhere I go
Yes, all of it. Started with Next Generation last summer and worked my way through Voyager and Deep Space Nine. I've also watched the first three movies, but it's not the same. I'm a bit sad, that it's over, I became a bit of a Trekkie over the last half a year ^^
The discord parties are a good idea! But I don't know if I'm up for that just now. It's hard enough to talk to people face to face, but doing it through the telephone really scares me ^^
The parties will be voice and text. You can choose either.
I have a friend that swears Star Trek is based on a true story lol