Cho Man, Camping Blues, Distressed Jeans

in Cross Culture3 years ago


I had no work today and so I had turned off the 6:30 alarm. In any event I was still awake from the usual time, but stayed in bed until almost 7:00. It was a morning of interceding. God will bring us through to the end in victory. “Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.” Psalm 66:12 KJV After my devotions, I stayed in the same spot for about half an hour searching online for vitamin C supplements. I really intended on searching for iron supplements as I’ve been feeling light headed over the past week. I haven’t been having smoothies as consistently and when I did, I wasn’t having spinach which is high in iron content. As a result I’ve been considering getting some iron supplements. But with every supplement, there’s always a recommendation of taking them with vitamin C to allow for better absorption. Doing this kind of search takes a lot of time to ‘shop around’ and compare prices. I wasn’t of the mind for it however, but at least I had put some things in the different carts online to reference later on.

I got up at last and tuned in to Beyond the Headlines on Radio Jamaica while I did Mack stretches. I didn’t want the day to slip away, which always happens when I make no plans for the day, regardless of how much I have to do. I’d been wanting to go to Tachiya supermarket for weeks, but hadn’t gotten the chance to. I thought I would go today even though they are usually closed every Wednesday. But I wondered if they’d be opened since tomorrow is a public holiday. Had I remembered all of this, I would have forced myself to go after the high school yesterday. I comforted myself by saying if they were closed, at least I would have gotten my days exercise. I really wanted a smoothie but didn’t have the ingredients, so I had three quarters of the last of an apple I had in the fridge. The house was pretty bare. I left home right on the dot of 10:00 and by 10:18 I was making my way back after encountering the closed supermarket. Cho man. I was hoping that they’d be open. I didn’t make too much of a fuss though and just headed straight to my regular supermarket. I realized that my bike riding had increased since September and in just this week alone, I’ve been riding since Monday and will be riding Thursday and Friday as well. Riding has become easier, but it’s still takes a toll on my body. I should actually be having more warm baths or something, but I haven’t at all. Neither have I been getting any massages in recent times.

I got to my supermarket minutes to 11:00 and realized that my Tachia list couldn’t work at the supermarket. At least nothing totality. On top of all of this, I had camping on my mind again and it infuriated me. I’m honestly tired of thinking about this camping trip and I wanted to be done and over with. So once again, I found myself going through all the aisles, which really shouldn’t be the case, as by now I should know what I’m taking on the camping trip. But there is a bit of a nagging feeling concerning the things that are still in my friends vehicle at their apartment. The 3 bottles of water and the potatoes might be of no use. I hope for the best, but I don’t plan to spend anything else for this trip. It has caused me some amount of distress and my enthusiasm for it is not as high as it was initially. The Friday that is planned as the departure day, I’ll be working all day from morning until 9:30 in the night. This means I have no time to do anything on the Friday and must be prepared completely from the Thursday so that I can bring the cooler box and whatever other things I’ll need with me to work. I really just want it to be over.

After finally returning home after 11:00, I felt exasperated and prayed not to give in to it. I was something, on top of being tired. I sat down to eat, whatever meal of the day it was and just tried to keep my mind clear. I was having the last of the free meal. I warmed it in the microwave and then mixed in the kimchi. It started to rain at 11:45. I was happy I had gotten back home before it. The time slipped away as I filled it with recording the past two days’ podcasts. There were some crazy things happening with the anchor platform that I use to create the podcasts. It was showing me 175 podcasts to be imported as new imports, but only two were new. However I had no option to select only the two and had to import all 175. I searched frantically for answers, it found myself only getting more annoyed. I decided to try to navigate around the craziness. I also created a short video of the cookout from Sunday, with very little editing. It still took more time than I wanted it to however. I answered some emails and text messages. I realised that in more recent times, I have been taking much longer to respond to emails and messages. I suppose it is another season of life that I am in. I packed out the groceries half heartedly and left some things on the floor in my room. I did a little Japanese kanji practice, but nothing noteworthy. To think I had a whole free day and I didn’t study for two hours as I should have. I still didn’t put away all the laundry from a couple days ago, but because of the inside clothes stand, things were kept orderly. In my lackluster mode, I put on my jeans pants that had gotten tight on my legs, the only place that seems to be gaining any weight, and proceeded to release the tense areas. I spent almost an hour distressing the jeans. Not that I had to, but because it was helping to keep me calm. My experience so far with the new remittance company was horrible. The money sent from August 27 is yet to be delivered and the customer service response ad-hoc and lacking.

At almost 18:00, I had an orange break. The orange was so tiny, but I wasn’t expecting it to fill my tummy, fortunately. I could feel my heart struggling to remain at a calm and even pace. I couldn’t afford for it to be distressed heading into the weekend, a weekend which I’m not sure I’m looking forward to with open arms.

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