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RE: Becoming a Japanese Influencer...? 日本語のインフルエンサーになる?

in Cross Culture10 months ago

I still can't get used to the politeness!

I find it suffocating, and tbh, I feel bad for them. You can see it in their eyes when they really want to call you out you fucking moron it's right there, jesus

But instead you just get a weirdly forced smile and bow. Coming from their next door neighbour who collectively do little else other than speak their mind and spit on your shoes as a lifestyle, it couldn't be more apparent to me lol.

It feels like a social burqa blanketing the landscape - really oppressive. Must be an absolute joy when you get to know 'em enough that they start to open up and be who they really are


It’s not nearly as unique to Japan as people think. It reminds me of when people look to an alpha to see what’s ok and what’s not ok, but the way the alpha is decided by age and position is way less flexible, and you run into very different problems if you go against the grain.

There are far less confrontations and way more ghosting.

In some ways I feel it’s not that different but one thing that always baffles me is how all the rules can disappear when people are drunk. And people are ALWAYS drunk.

Alcohol becomes an escape from social rules, it becomes an absolute defense, and so you have a nation of very shy alcoholics.

It is suffocating, but honestly, most of the time I prefer it to the way western culture (especially America) turns everything into a competition.

My rule everywhere is to avoid normies unless they appreciate and try to understand my personal quirks.

My only real issue with Japan is the hesitance people have to forming deeper relationships and the way you need to schedule everything a month or two in advance 😆