The beauty of skilled jobs in Africa.

in Cross Culture11 months ago


While growing up, many of us were taught that skilled occupations were inferior and that success was limited to traditional professional occupations. However, as I've progressed in life, I've grown to recognise the pointless underlying this idea. Skilled vocations like mechanics, tailors, and electricians are not only decent, but also extremely rewarding.

I take tremendous delight in recognising colleagues and friends who have decided to work on skilled artwork. These people challenged society's standards and achieved enormous success and happiness in their chosen fields. Instead of being pushed to the borders, they are among the richest individuals in our society.

One such person is a friend of mine who is an excellent seamstress. His skilled workmanship and creativity are obvious in every outfit he designs. His designs, which range from beautiful dresses to casual attire, adorn individuals of all ages, bringing delight and confidence into the wearers. His passion for art inspires me and everyone else who wants to thrive in a professional field.





Skilled craftsmen can find rewarding and profitable professions through hard work, excitement, and devotion. It is time to recognise and appreciate these people' tremendous contributions to our society.

Let us encourage and support everyone who decide to work in skilled crafts, acknowledging that they hold the keys to a world of opportunity and achievement.


I can't forget these Adinkra symbol. They are rich in meaning.

Craftsmanship is art, and art is life as it leads to the creation of beautiful chapters.

In my opinion what matters is talent and the quality of what you do.
I know many people who work in these trades who have great social recognition for the work they do and the good they provide to society.

In the case you show us, the quality of the seamstress is evident and the pieces are exquisitely beautiful.
Thank you for sharing. Happy day.
Greetings and best regards

While growing we were blinded and made to believe going to school was everything, but now even going to school can't help one without a skill.

The world is gradually advancing to that stage where skills and talents would take over white collar Jobs and higher institutions, that's if it's not already happening.

This is an interesting topic you've displayed for our eyes.