Hahha... Are you really going to the great Wall of China to comb your hair?
I even had to tune into the audio and it was really very interesting to hear how all these words were pronounced 😋.
You are putting Alot of energy and resource towards this learning and all I can wish for is that your company will be the type that will grow rapidly once you kick start it.
The part of Japanese that you forgot will surely run back to your memory once you associated more with the locals. You are already doing a lot of self teaching and you are passionate about this so I believe that you will do well.
As someone that already have diverse experience about being in Asia, do you know how possible it is for a foreigner to get a nice Source of livelihood in South Korea?
Well Done Bro ✅
Hahah it's just a list of words I forgot!
I have never been to Korea but I know in Japan it's relatively easy to get a job teaching as long as you have a university degree and speak with an American or British accent. It's not exactly a great salary compared to local people but it will go far in other countries. I heard Korea pays a little better but don’t know the requirements