Saludos especiales Hivers! Hoy desde mi Venezuela hermosa me uno a la iniciativa de @starstrings01 la cual tiene su eje central en el tema de VALORES CULTURALES. Recibi la cordial invitación por parte de mi amiga @miriannalis a participar en este tema apasionante para mÃ, quizás por el hecho de ser docente en este paÃs maravilloso lleno de culturas, tradiciones, mitos y costumbres hermosas y sencillas. Mi profesión, un camino de Luz y crecimiento diario que escogà por vocación y amor a la enseñanza, y sobre todo por un amor particular hacia a los niños que siempre están llenos de esa magia que los invita a descubrir cosas nuevas sin sentir temor a equivocarse..
Siendo entonces precisamente en las aulas de clases donde se puede explorar juntos a los estudiantes y sus padres esa mezcla de valores, cultura, tradiciones, costumbres y hasta mitos que pasan de generación en generación. La mayorÃa parte del hogar los, porque si bien es cierto que un paÃs o región posee su propia cultura, todo va a depender de que en casa se enseñe y lo que en la escuela se refuerce. Hoy aunque estamos en pandemia siempre se buscan diversas estrategias para que el niño de igual forma recuerde sus fechas patrias y diversidad cultural.
Yo! Por ejemplo soy hija de padres extranjeros, mi madre Italiana, y mi padre Colombiano, sus culturas muy diferentes y sobre todo con grandes caracterÃsticas variantes de acuerdo a la venezolana. Fue por ello que en mi infancia y adolescencia, exploré la cultura y costumbres venezolanas de la mano de mis maestros y profesores, los cuales siempre me motivaron a participar en obras teatrales, desfiles y demás eventos donde se resalta la cultura venezolana

Mi familia
Aun asà te puede decir que en mi hogar siempre Celebramos para comenzar por una época hermosa; las festividades decembrinas, realizando a principio de mes el pesebre en familia, luego planificamos la cena navideña y la celebración de la noche buena con divina comida. Mi madre con su acostumbrado pasticho, y mi padre siempre pidiendo el dulcito de leche. Yo para unir tradiciones aprendà a hacer la hallaca Venezolana.
Siempre pasamos momentos inolvidables en estas fechas y muchas familias venezolanas lo celebran asÃ!. Por ello cuando a un venezolano le agarra Diciembre fuera de casa, es decir en otro paÃs le entra una nostalgia inmensa..

Por supuesto no podÃamos olvidar la cuenta de uvas a 5 minutos para las doce, en la cual vamos pidiendo nuestro respectivos deseos para el venidero año.. Últimamente como las uvas han estado algo costosas, anotamos los deseos en un papelito y lo leemos en voz alta a 5 para las doce, es algo gracioso porque se oye deseos por todos lados. En casa tenemos la costumbre de hacer un pequeño brindis y mi padre dice algunas palabras (un largo discurso) que siempre nos llena de optimismo para el nuevo año.

Mi nena hermosa
Luego siempre se aproxima el dÃa del amor y la amistad, una época muy agasajada en mà paÃs. Yo! aunque no lo he celebrado nunca por todo lo alto, me alegra encontrar quien siempre celebre este dÃa con entusiasmo. El amor siempre será digno de celebración!!
Seguidamente celebramos los carnavales, eso sà se celebra en Venezuela con muchas fiestas, viajes a la playa, reencuentro de familias, nos arrojamos bombas de agua, tobos de agua, lo que sea con tal de andar mojando a la gente durante esos dÃas. En esas mismas fechas también tenemos costumbre de disfrazarnos. Yo! que recuerde nunca me disfrace de nada jeje. Mis padres no tenÃan esa costumbre. Pero!! mis hijos y sobrinos si se disfrazan y disfrutan con sus amistades esos dÃas de mucha agua y diversión.

Mi nena y mi Principe

Mi hijo mayor y dos de sus amigos en los carnavales
Durante la semana santa ya se termina el bochinche y si son tiempos de ir a la iglesia y pedir a Dios que nos resguarde en salud y amor. Aunque esa tarea debemos hacerla todos los dÃas. Durante este tiempo veo con mucho desagrado que aquellas personas que no creen en el nacimiento de Jesús y todo lo que la iglesia católica profesa, salen a la calle a pregonar en contra de la celebración de la semana santa.
Yo! Aunque no salgo tampoco vestida de morado y de rodillas a la procesión; encuentro muy de mal gusto que traten de desprestigiar una celebración que es sagrada para otros. Todos tenemos derecho a depositar nuestra fe donde nos sintamos más a gusto, y el amor por el prójimo se pregona con el derecho a su libre pensamiento.
No creo que ninguna religión sea tan digna de humillar y desprestigiar a otra.
Este pasado 24 de Junio Celebramos una tradición que particularmente como mi dice mi papá la aprendà en el camino de la vida. Dice mi papá: Yo no te enseñe eso!. Jajaja…Celebro el dÃa de San Juan, acostumbramos a vestirlo, llevarlo al rio, bañarlo, cantarle y pasearlo, inclusive si parte de la comunidad se anima todos salen a cantarle y a pasearlo por los alrededores de la comunidad. Se acostumbra el refrán: ¨Si San Juan lo tiene, san Juan te lo da¨.

Y apara las fechas de Agosto solÃamos salir en familia a dar varios paseos, aprovechando las vacaciones escolares que comienzan desde el 30 Julio hasta la primera semana de Septiembre. Ahora estamos un poco restringidos en cuanto a eso. Pero cuando se pueda volveremos a la normalidad y seguiremos disfrutando de las vacaciones de agosto e familia, sobre todo para ir a la playa muchos dÃas.

Ah y antes de que se me olvide, en casa cada tarde a eso de las 3.30 mi madre hace su café bien cargado y acostumbramos a sentarnos en el porche de la casa a tomar una taza de café juntos. Dice mi mamá italiano sin café no es italiano.Jajaja..Y todos no pegamos al dicho y tomamos cafecito juntos. Aunque estuve en Colombia y hacen unos tintos divinos también. Pero su bebida de la tarde Es Chocolate con queso y pan dulce.
Mi experiencia en cuanto a la cultura y tradiciones son expresamente inculcadas en casa, al igual que mis valores de respeto hacia las personas mayores, ser solidaria, sembrar amor, respetar las ideas, ser responsable y organizada, entre algunos valores que mis padres me han enseñado; Por ello sostengo la idea de que provienen del hogar y son orientados y explorados en la escuela. Aunque pienso que un niño que permanece muchas horas en la calle, bien sea jugando y en otro ambiente distinto al de su familia, aprenderá otras cosas muy diversas y diferentes a las costumbres de papá y mamá, las cuales pueden ser favorables o no para cada ser.
Por ello Pienso que en mi paÃs nos enseñan sobre todo a ser solidarios, a tenderle siempre la mano al prójimo. Existen personas que hacen sus labores sociales a través de sus diferentes religiones, pero también está el venezolano común que te brinda un plato de comida si observa que no tienes nada en casa para alimentarte. La celebración, la risa, el buen humor y la alegrÃa es la principal caracterÃstica de un venezolano, y para mi estos son valores, ya que es esa personalidad la que nos ha permitido ser resilientes y reinventarnos ante cada situación vivida estos últimos años.. Brindar apoyo cariño en momentos de enfermad y desasosiego en una virtud que nos define!.
Como les dije al principio es un tema apasionante creo que extendà un poco. Pero la cultura y los valores lo merecen. La cultura te define un rumbo en tu crecimiento como ser, lo que aprendes de generación en generación te queda arraigado y lo conservaras toda la vida para compararlo con lo nuevo e ir evolucionando; y tusa valores te mantendrán firmes para tener la certeza de que tomas las mejores decisiones a lo largo de tu vida.
Aceptar y apreciar de dónde venimos, para abrazar el futuro y el crecimiento con plenitud.
Antes de despedirme quisiera invitara mi amiga @evev

English Version

Special regards Hivers! Today from my beautiful Venezuela I join the @ starstrings01 initiative which has its central axis on the subject of **CULTURAL VALUES**. I received the cordial invitation from my friend @miriannalis to participate in this exciting topic for me, perhaps due to the fact of being a teacher in this wonderful country full of cultures, traditions, myths and beautiful and simple customs. My profession, a path of Light and daily growth that I chose for my vocation and love of teaching, and above all for a particular love for children who are always full of that magic that invites them to discover new things without fear of making mistakes...
Being then precisely in the classrooms where students and their parents can explore together that mixture of values, culture, traditions, customs and even myths that pass from generation to generation. generation. Most part of the home, because although it is true that a country or region has its own culture, everything will depend on what is taught at home and what is reinforced at school. Today, although we are in a pandemic, various strategies are always sought so that the child in the same way remembers their national dates and cultural diversity.
Yo! For example, I am the daughter of foreign parents, my Italian mother, and my Colombian father, their cultures very different and above all with great varying characteristics according to the Venezuelan. It was for this reason that in my childhood and adolescence, I explored the Venezuelan culture and customs with the help of my teachers and professors, who always motivated me to participate in plays, parades and other events where Venezuelan culture is highlighted

My family
Even so, I can tell you that in my home we always celebrate to begin with a beautiful time; the December festivities, making the family nativity scene at the beginning of the month, then we plan the Christmas dinner and the celebration of the good night with divine food. My mother with her usual pastico, and my father always asking for the milk candy. In order to unite traditions, I learned to make the Venezuelan Hallaca.
We always have unforgettable moments on these dates and many Venezuelan families celebrate it like this! For this reason, when a Venezuelan gets caught in December away from home, that is, in another country, he gets immense nostalgia...

Of course we could not forget the grape count at 5 minutes to twelve, in which we are asking our respective wishes for the coming year .. Lately, how the grapes have been somewhat expensive, we write down the wishes on a piece of paper and read it aloud at 5 to twelve, it's kind of funny because you hear wishes everywhere. At home we have the custom of making a small toast and my father says a few words (a long speech) that always fills us with optimism for the new year.

My beautiful baby
Then the day of love and friendship always approaches, a very celebrated time in my country. I! Although I have never celebrated it in style, I am happy to find someone who always celebrates this day with enthusiasm. Love will always be worthy of celebration!!!

Mi nena y mi Principe

My oldest son and two of his friends at carnivals
Then we celebrate the carnivals, that is celebrated in Venezuela with many parties, trips to the beach, family reunions, we throw water pumps, water pipes, whatever as long as I'm wetting people during those days. On those same dates we also have the habit of dressing up. Me! that I never disguise myself as anything hehe. My parents did not have that habit. But!! My children and nephews if they dress up and enjoy with their friends those days of lots of water and fun.
During Holy Week the mess is over and if it is time to go to church and ask God to protect us in health and love. Although we must do that task every day. During this time I see with great displeasure that those people who do not believe in the birth of Jesus and everything that the Catholic Church professes, take to the streets to proclaim against the celebration of Holy Week.
I! Although I do not go out dressed in purple and on my knees to the procession; I find it very distasteful that they try to discredit a celebration that is sacred to others. We all have the right to place our faith where we feel most comfortable, and love for our neighbor is proclaimed with the right to free thought.
I don't think any religion is so worthy of humiliating and discrediting another.
This past June 24 we celebrated a tradition that, particularly as my father says, I learned it along the way of life. My dad says: I didn't teach you that! Hahaha ... I celebrate San Juan's day, we used to dress him, take him to the river, bathe him, sing him and take him for a walk, even if part of the community is encouraged, everyone goes out to sing to him and to walk him around the community. The saying is used: ¨If Saint John has it, Saint John gives it to you.

And for the August dates we used to go out as a family for several walks, taking advantage of the school holidays that start from July 30 to the first week of September. Now we are a bit restricted on that. But when possible we will return to normality and we will continue enjoying the August family holidays, especially to go to the beach for many days.

Oh and before I forget, at home every afternoon around 3.30 my mother makes her strong coffee and we usually sit on the porch of the house to drink a cup of coffee together. My mom says Italian without coffee is not Italian. Hahaha .. And we all do not stick to the saying and have coffee together. Although I was in Colombia and they make some divine reds too. But your afternoon drink is Chocolate with cheese and sweet bread.
My experience in terms of culture and traditions are expressly instilled at home, as well as my values of respect for the elderly, being supportive, sowing love, respecting ideas, be responsible and organized, among some values that my parents have taught me; That is why I support the idea that they come from home and are oriented and explored at school. Although I think that a child who spends many hours on the street, either playing and in an environment other than his family, will learn other things that are very different and different from the customs of mom and dad, which may or may not be favorable for each be.
That is why I think that in my country they teach us above all to be in solidarity, to always reach out to others. There are people who do their social work through their different religions, but there is also the common Venezuelan who gives you a plate of food if he observes that you have nothing at home to eat. Celebration, laughter, good humor and joy is the main characteristic of a Venezuelan, and for me these are values, since it is that personality that has allowed us to be resilient and reinvent ourselves in every situation experienced in recent years. Provide affectionate support in times of sickness and restlessness in a virtue that defines us!!!.
As I told you at the beginning it is an exciting topic I think I extended a bit. But the culture and values deserve it. Culture defines a direction in your growth as being, what you learn from generation to generation remains ingrained in you and you will keep it all your life to compare it with the new and evolve; and your values will keep you firm to have the certainty that you make the best decisions throughout your life.
Accept and appreciate where we come from, to fully embrace the future and growth.
- Before saying goodbye, I would like to invite my friend @evev
I share the Original post for you to review its rules and encourage you to participate
cross culture contest 👉here
This is one culture I know about the Italians they love coffee, they could start their day with coffee and end with coffee ☕. It's their habitual principle in way of life.
Yes 🥰, charity they say Begins at home just like the tradition and culture began from home and it's being educated to kids, at least am glad you use the medium of being a teacher to impact knowledge and traditions to the students.
Everyone has freedom to make choice of how he/she wants her life to be there are some traditions that can be changed while there's some you can never change, every believer has his or her own belief and religion they follow.
Thankful for your visit and your valuable comment!
This is how Italians can spend a happy day with their cup of coffee.
Siii I love being a teacher and being able to change some life stories with my learnings, just as my teachers did with me.
I'm glad you enjoyed my writing.
Of course I did thank you!
Bello tu post amiga, muy bueno! Comparto contigo todos esos valores y tradiciones, creo que son muy importantes para el venezolano, en especial el dela solidaridad y ayudarnos unos a otros.
Me alegra que te haya dado tiempo, un abrazote 🤗
Saludos @miriannalis gracias por la invitación..Me Encantó participar y contarle a todos un poco de nuestra cultura 💖
Heheh love this! Making toast for new year is great. At least you get the opportunity to look back at all the memories created in year and feel blessed. Lovely dad😅
This is what I loves most about the Venezuelans. You guys don't forget to celebrate memorable days. You all come together, bond together and celebrate this days. It is worth it o tell you.
Family holidays are always the best, hehe we all deserve a break, a vacation, you know to evaluate, bond, relax and relieve pressure. Keep it up
This is a wonderful post I enjoyed reading it and I wish you the best of luck in the contest. 🤗
Hasta ahora
Siii my father is a sweetheart! His discourse always leaves stronger ties between us.
Oh yeah! Venezuelans from all over we invented a celebration hahaha. Being happy and celebrating is worth it.Thanks @esther-emmanuel! I receive your blessings and good luck with open arms.
Oh my! The pictures are so much fun, I could feel what you guys felt during those times especially the carnivals.
So many culture of Venezuela and I've learnt a lot from your own details. The coffee part sounds funny but it's cool.
Your sons are looking handsome and I must say you're beautiful as well 😊
Well written post, nice pictures.
All the best in the contest.
Yes my children are beautiful..Thank you for the compliment.
That's how it is! carnivals are a party of great enjoyment, and with friends more.Here those dates are very good...
Well! here
there is always a reason to celebrate hahaha.😂
Thank you for reading my post and leaving your kind comment.
I'm glad you had fun.Oh! Thanks! Thanks! @merit.ahama💖
Hola @graciadegenios! Vienes tanto de Italia como de Colombia y aún aprendiste sobre la cultura venezolana. ¡Esto es impresionante! Parece que durante todo el año tienes hermosas celebraciones con tu familia y amigos. ¡Esto es adorable!
Creo que las tradiciones siempre deben mantenerse y enseñarse a nuestros hijos para que puedan transmitirlas a otros. ArtÃculo muy bien escrito. ¡Bien hecho! 🙂
Gracias por leerme! Un Gran Abrazo para ti💖Asà es @kemmyb tengo una mezcla de sabores y tradiciones Italo-Colombo-Venezolana!jajaja..Muy rico aprender de diferentes culturas.
An Amazing post. I most like the way you celebrate December, quite Unique. Thanks for participating.
Hive Cross Culture's curation project.
• You will receive a percentage of the rewards from our curation post.
• And this post would be featured in our next weekly digest article.By the way, I am @starstrings01 and I've chosen this post for 100% curation in
Hive Cross culture is a community for conversation about culture. This can be national, local, community, or personal culture, subculture or your ideas about culture, language posts etc. We also invite and support bilingual posts, and are searching for ways to support and grow the local communities on Hive. Come join us in our discord chat if you are interested!
Wow! Fantastic! Thanks!💖
I loved participating, culture always unites us, even if the languages ​​are different. Very Grateful to @crossculture for taking into account my post for healing.
Muy sencillo, claro y emocional tu escrito sobre los valores culturales de nuestro paÃs, con los cuales me he identificado porque los comparto con mi familia. Me gustó tu trabajo, quiera Dios que volvamos a la normalidad para seguir disfrutando de nuestro paÃs en libertad, apreciada @graciadegenios Saludos.
Siii Dios quiera que asà como un dÃa llego todo esto sin esperarlo, pronto se aleje para que logremos estar en normalidad y disfrutar en familia.
Gracias por leerme y dejar tu valioso comentario!.
Un Gran Abrazo!Saludos amigo @pelulacro Me alegro que te gustara mi post y te identificaras con el.