Hola mi nombre es Abraham y hoy vengo a hablarles de las culturas de mi país Venezuela. Creo que los venezolanos somos gente muy alegre y nunca olvidamos nuestras costumbres. Desde pequeño siempre viví rodeado de familias muy unidas, por parte de mi madre, solo tengo una tía y dos primos pero por parte de mi padre la familia es un poco más abundante, tengo 8 tíos e infinidad de primos difíciles de contar, los más cercanos en reuniones somos 35. Te puedes imaginar lo emocionante que se vuelven esos momentos donde pasamos horas compartiendo. | Hello my name is Abraham and today I come to talk to you about the cultures of my country Venezuela. I think that we Venezuelans are very happy people and we never forget our customs. Since I was a child I always lived surrounded by very close families, on my mother's side, I only have one aunt and two cousins but on my father's side the family is a little more abundant, I have 8 uncles and an infinity of cousins difficult to count, the closest in meetings we are 35. You can imagine how exciting those moments become where we spend hours sharing. |
Soy de Maracay - Aragua. He sido criado de una manera muy linda, mi familia tiene como tradición reunirse todos los domingos para compartir, siempre inventamos algo, jugar dominó es una de las tantas cosas que hacemos para disfrutar y pasar un tiempo gratificante, recordando siempre el valor y la importancia de tenernos unos a otros, dándole motivación a mi abuela para que no se sienta triste en ningún momento, Para nosotros son el pilar de la familia, por lo tanto en este día que nos toca pasar con ella, creamos dinámicas que la hagan sentir orgullosa, feliz y sobre todo agradecida con la vida por seguir siendo el ser más importante para nosotros.
I am from Maracay - Aragua. I have been raised in a very nice way, my family has as a tradition to meet every Sunday to share, we always invent something, playing domino is one of the many things we do to enjoy and spend a rewarding time, always remembering the value and importance of having each other, giving motivation to my grandmother so she does not feel sad at any time, For us they are the pillar of the family, therefore on this day that we have to spend with her, we create dynamics that make her feel proud, happy and above all grateful to life for continuing to be the most important being for us.

Un valor muy bonito es respetar a los mayores sobre todas las cosas, algo que a veces puede ser un poco difícil pero, es una ley de vida con la que nací y es que el respeto hay que mantenerlo pase lo que pase. Otra cosa que me inculcó mi familia es que donde se come todos comen, y creo que en general los venezolanos somos así, no nos detenemos por nada aunque haya poca comida para servir, si hay un plato más en la mesa, esa persona come lo mismo que nosotros. | A very nice value is to respect the elderly above all things, something that sometimes may be a little difficult but, it is a law of life with which I was born and is that respect must be maintained no matter what. Another thing that my family instilled in me is that where one eats all eat, and I think that in general Venezuelans are like that, we do not stop for anything even if there is little food to serve, if there is one more dish on the table, that person eats the same as us. |
And so I learned to prepare the best dishes, as it was customary to take turns every Sunday to cook, which has never bothered me, I like cooking, and in my beautiful land, we live full of a thousand and one traditions, we like the bochinche, meetings, we are very familiar, good vibes, we love a beach and the fun that all that entails to organize a nice walk, some say we are used to always be in packs, but we do not know how else to be, when we are surrounded by the people we love. Despite the fact that perhaps many values have been lost in my country, I believe that a great majority of people still have those teachings intact, since the good ones will always be more.

Actualmente resido en el país hermano de mi amada Venezuela, aquí hice tanta vida a nivel laboral que hoy en día administro un restaurante de comida mexicana, estoy muy orgulloso de mí ya que este ha sido uno de mis mejores emprendimientos, sé que debo ayudar a mis padres ya que ellos me dieron todo lo que hoy soy, Por eso tienen mi apoyo incondicional, gran parte de lo que soy es por ellos y para ellos, además este año tuve el privilegio de convertirme en padre y esas son responsabilidades que nos evaden y nos llenan de fuerza para ser mejores personas y evolucionar para bien, día a día.
I currently reside in the brother country of my beloved Venezuela, here I made so much life at the working level that today I manage a Mexican food restaurant, I am very proud of me as this has been one of my best ventures, I know I must help my parents as they gave me everything I am today, That is why they have my unconditional support, most of what I am is because of them and for them, besides this year I had the privilege of becoming a father and those are responsibilities that evade us and fill us with strength to be better people and evolve for the better, day after day.

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Una de las culturas más bonitas son las fiestas que se forman en los carnavales, mis favoritos son los carnavales de Carupano allí, tiran la casa por la ventana, a muchas personas de diferentes partes del país les encanta asistir a estos eventos, entre ellos, me encuentro yo. También en el estado donde vivo hay una variedad de playas por las que siento un gran amor, pues crecí visitando esos lugares que son parte de mí, una de ellas es Cata ubicada en Ocumare de la costa, la mejor manera de pasar un fin de semana lleno de fiesta es ir a este lugar, allí en el malecón podemos apreciar una vista espectacular y el sonido de las olas... | One of the most beautiful cultures is the celebrations that are formed in the carnivals, my favorites are the carnivals of Carupano there, they throw the house out the window, many people from different parts of the country love to attend these events, among them, I am. Also in the state where I live there are a variety of beaches for which I feel a great love, because I grew up visiting those places that are part of me, one of them is Cata located in Ocumare de la costa, the best way to spend a weekend full of party is going to this place, there on the boardwalk we can appreciate a spectacular view and the sound of the waves... |
Y no podía faltar una de las tradiciones más importantes, las hallacas, el pan de jamón, la ensalada de gallina y el pollo asado. La creación de esto es lo más hermoso, nos reunimos todos en casa de mi abuela y nos dividimos las tareas, mi abuela por supuesto se encarga de hacer el guiso de esta majestuosa creación, otros se encargan de lavar las hojas de plátano, yo me encargo de amarrar las hallacas, y luego las ponemos en agua hirviendo para esperar a que estén listas para dejarlas reposar un rato y comer, el mejor momento de todos, cuando llega diciembre y lo único que pensamos es cuando va a comenzar el día de las hallacas, el cumpleaños de mi abuela es el 4 de diciembre así que desde ese momento estamos comiendo, hasta la primera semana de enero como máximo. Para los venezolanos la Navidad es la época más bonita del año. Por eso no podemos dejar que la comida navideña se desperdicie.
And I could not miss one of the most important traditions, the hallacas, ham bread, chicken salad and roast chicken. The creation of this is the most beautiful thing, we all get together at my grandmother's house and we divide the chores, my grandmother of course is in charge of making the stew of this majestic creation, others are in charge of washing the banana leaves, I am in charge of tying the hallacas, and then we put them in boiling water to wait until they are ready to let them rest for a while and eat, the best moment of all, when December arrives and all we think about is when the day of hallacas will begin, my grandmother's birthday is December 4th so from that moment we are eating, until the first week of January at the most. For Venezuelans Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year. That's why we can't let our Christmas food go to waste.

Diciembre para nosotros es celebración, fechas de alegría, hermandad, valoramos y disfrutamos de cada miembro de nuestra familia y amigos, nos ponemos sentimentales y nostálgicos cuando recordamos a alguien que esta lejos, manteniendo la esperanza de estar juntos. Como muchos hemos tenido que emigrar por la situación del país, ha sido difícil, la nostalgia nos ha envuelto en esos momentos especiales. tengo la esperanza este año de pasar estas fechas con mis seres queridos. Nada mejor que mi hermoso país al que amo y me siento orgulloso de pertenecer.
December for us is celebration, dates of joy, brotherhood, we value and enjoy each member of our family and friends, we get sentimental and nostalgic when we remember someone who is far away, keeping the hope of being together. As many of us have had to emigrate due to the situation of the country, it has been difficult, nostalgia has enveloped us in those special moments. I have the hope this year to spend these dates with my loved ones. Nothing better than my beautiful country to which I love and feel proud to belong.

HIVE ha sido una plataforma donde he podido mostrar una parte de mí y sobre todo he aprendido a plasmar mi inspiración en grandes creaciones, que me dejan un gran recuerdo y admiración de mí misma, cuando veo una de mis publicaciones. He aprendido a convertir mis experiencias en grandes anécdotas para contar, las palabras salen solas cuando el sentimiento es real. Como mi amor por mi amado país Venezuela, que espero en algún momento sea diferente, porque los valores, el cariño y el amor tan grande que llevo en mi corazón me acompañan a donde quiera que vaya. Espero que les guste mi publicación, todas las fotos son mías, gracias por leer. | HIVE has been a platform where I have been able to show a part of me and above all I have learned to form my inspiration in great creations, which leave me with a great memory and admiration of myself, when I see one of my publications. I have learned to turn my experiences into great anecdotes to tell, the words come out by themselves when the feeling is real. Like my love for my beloved country Venezuela, which I hope at some point will be different, because the values, affection and love so great that I carry in my heart accompany me wherever I go. I hope you like my publication, all the photos are my own, thanks for reading. |
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Me encantó este post , no sé, simplemente hermoso.
Gracias panterita, te quiero
Wow it was a long read but every paragraph was worth my time, I knew this contest would be interesting.
I just learnt a lot about Venezuela and you did a great job in making it very simple to understand.
But I wanted to ask, the meetings your family have, does it involve both your mom and dad's family? Or just your mum's family because you said you're closer to your mum's family more.
I can see that you've achieve a really nice career that even helps you to keep your cultural values which is cooking, nice one 👌
Your entry is superb, all the best in the contest.
Both families have the same tradition but separately, so I always look for the balance of sharing one Sunday with one and the next one with the other, both are important to me, without any preference.
Glad to hear you liked my post, thanks for taking the time to read it, best regards!
Oh nice, your culture over is lovely and I'm glad to learn about it. Thanks for sharing and best regards too 😌
From the way you were brought up, to the every Sunday family reunion, to the carnivals and preparation of very good meals are all on point.
With this, one would be able to draw a decisive conclusion that humans are all the same because there is resemblance in what we do and cherish.
Another thing that caught my attention is the fact that even though you have a successful career, you still cherish your you cultural values.
Unfortunately for some people, their culture has disintegrated because they haven't been able to continue the norm.
Culture shouldn't be toyed with at all. It is the heritage we will hand over to the other generation.
I share with you what you say in the last paragraph, because over the years they continue to be present in me always, the culture is what represents you as a person.
I carry with me the values instilled since childhood, thank you for your comment and for visiting me, greetings!
Wow! This is really lovely and wonderful. This is my first time of reading a rich article like your about Venezuela. You explain everything in a simple way and what I find Interesting about your post is when your families meet together. I love that. It breeds more love, communication, and interact. You families won't be strangers.
Please don't forget to pass it down to your family and let it continue to grow. God bless you and your family. My regards.
This is great as it has been many people's culture as well been with their families in festive period. Yours is indeed exceptional. Been with your family is the best you have done.
It's great when you eat those things you have once longed for. You have a great way of life. Well said.
Its important to know Venezuela is a country with happy people who are taught to accord Respect to the elderly. That's a great one, I do love to attend your carnival someday, I doubt if it will be like that of the Africans with masquerade around. A great post and nice knowing your culture
Your post on your cultural values is excellent! Clearly family means everything to Venezuelans and I see you have a very large family.
I love family gatherings too, especially on Sundays. It's usually fun.
You love to cook so I am not surprised you operate a Mexican restaurant. That's good! And I am sure your culinary skills is always put to its best at Christmas time, lol!
Nicely written. Good luck in the contest. 🙂