Victory Over Delays And Demonic Manipulation( Prov 13:12)

If your life is a colony of God's Kingdom, your life should reflect the manifestation of God's Glory. As an ambassador of God's Kingdom you should dominate.
What is Delay? In Nigeria language " Go Slow" A period of time before an event occurs according to the English Dictionary is Delay.
Delay is when inactivity lingers, been wild down on a spot.
Sometimes it is not witchcraft, sometimes it is lack of courtesy and this generation lack that thing seriously, is it because of social media we are getting used of staying behind our keypads of our laptop and phones to abuse everybody, and sometimes will forget that we are not in our bedrooms, sometimes you are talking to your boss like You on social media you forget that you are not on Twitter, your boss that can either promote you demote you or exit you, then later you now come to Pastor that they promote everyone and they did not promote you, then you not start praying while it is foolishness that is holding you down, let me tell you something, (it is a foolish thing to be in church when you have interview), most of us that have skills, you know like the tailor the engineers, electricians and so on, some of the reason there is delay in your life is because of the late delivery of goods you have become accustomed to, people know that you can so well you can make good clothes but you can never keep to time, so while you're supposed to be progressing, something else is happening to you, other people that lend the same trade with you their shops are getting fill their growing well, but it is time management that is the foolishness in your life, and when you don't respect time you will suffer delay, some it is not time it is the quality of the job they do, I want you to think of your own area of specialization, are you that electrician that was given a job to wire a building or an apartment and the wall start shocking, now such people will actually advance their work and people want to come and taste and they discover that there is a problem, then there will be stuck in the journey of their career, is either they don't value other people's time or the quality of their job is bad, another thing that foolishness does to bring lack of delay is focus, everything I'm saying now there's no witchcraft there is either it is the witchcraft within himself or lack of focus,
Lack of focus think about it what are you pursuing? I think proverb said it all that there is oil in the land of the foolish or something but he waste it all, the Grace the time everything you waste it all, sometimes we apply for a job and the first thing they ask is not the certificate, they ask you, can you drive? do you have a driver's license? and you discover that no you can't drive, that is the end of it, because this job comes with a car, the time you were supposed to do this you were going to cinema,
Foolishness waste time and opportunities.