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RE: Values in Time

in Hive Collectors3 months ago

I used to have a stamp collection when I was a boy , that I got from one of my brothers and I keeping growing for a while , I never knew what happened with it , I suppose I lost the interesting after finishing the secondary and start in the school of art , but these post bring me that time to me, when we share the stamps and try to get the most weird and interesting stamps, so thanks señorita mi piano de los correos y las colecciones 😁


That's normal, we change our hobbies, or simply don't have time anymore for stamp collection when an important thing comes in, like studies ;)
You can always paint you own stamps 😁

Yeaa! YEAA! actually when I had that collection I remember that I paint some of then in big sizes , like I had a lot birds and animals that I used as reference, in that time we haven't internet or cell phones 😅😅