I have...
- Two guitars - one steel string, one flamenco nylon
- A tiny midi keyboard for production purposes
- A tin whistle
- A shakuhachi (japanese wooden flute)
- A Turkish drum
- An ocarina
- A cheap ($150) viola
- A ukulele
- A harmonica
- Some mysterious tibetan one-note flute things (a b-day gift lol)
- A kalimba
- My voice (It counts!)
I think it's super enriching to surround yourself in different perspectives of music like this, even if theyre jsut cheap tack like harmonicas and ocarinas in the shape of a bird. They just help you think about music and the world differently. Good for creativity ^__^
(A very almost had a Lyre too, but tragically I had to give it away as a gift for an old student of mine. Sigh.)
Oh, wow, your collection of musical instruments is impressive. Would be cool to see them in a post 😍, especially that mysterious Tibetan flute and kalimba. The voice, of course also counts haha
If my niece would be on Hive... she could bring her collection (with the piano she got from me hahaha) and also a theremin she bought herself. Oh, I forgot to mention in my post a melodica I got from my father 😓
Speaking about melodica now, they just came to my mind
Haha great video. Always wanted one, never got round to it, always looks so exhausting heh. For me, I'm always reminded of Collier's Flintstones solo:
I'll get on it!