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RE: Organized...just for Hive 😜

in Hive Collectors2 months ago

You seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? You do have and WEAR socks hahaha, at least for that last photo. 😍


Love those winking socks, how cool! I say calcetines for socks and medias for stockings and tights, but as Spanish is not my native languge I don't know what is the correct 😂

I wanted very much to participate!!! 🤭

Gracias! Te lo agradezco mucho! 😇


You seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

Yeeeees, it was the perfect day to write this was cold!!! 🥶😂

Pipa "Mediaslargas"...así le decían a Oli en la escuela primaria 🤭😆. Siempre ha usado con el uniforme medias a rayas.

I say calcetines for socks and medias for stockings and tights...

Ese es su uso correcto!!...nosotros usamos un poquitín mal los términos jajajaja.

Gracias a ti por tan geniales y divertidas ideas 😊🤗.