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RE: Hive Collectors - who is ready to share their tote bags?

in Hive Collectors5 months ago

Yeah, it's been a while but I hope to get myself back somehow ;)

Weather: there were fails on the part of those who had to send a push sms immediately to all people in the region aboutthe danger, but also the experts for the matter had no idea about the seriousness of the storm, which turned out like 4 times stronger than it was thought. Yes, son is safe, we are on the road to pick him up from the place where he stayed last night. :)

What's new at your side? Any new cat around in the garden? 🤣


A complete failure by the govt. then, hopefully they will be held accountable for the needless losses.

Good to hear about son, yes damn cats, I have squirrels that pop into the garden and the damn felines think it is fun to stalk them. had to throw a shoe at them the other day as they had attacked one of my squirrel visitors.

Just a quiet time for me right now , unable to plan or go anywhere, just waiting on a date for a major surgical procedure. got to have a cochlear implant inserted and then months of rehab. learning to hear again, but not through my ears LOL. Ho hum, life goes on

I hope everything will go well with that surgery 🙏 Maybe you can learn not to hear some annoying neighbours or... 🐈 hahaha

Squirrels can be tricky too, cats know that so they protect you :D

Take care!

Thanks for that xx
But i am not convinced LOL