Magnet ornaments on my fridge

in Hive Collectors9 months ago

Adornos con imanes en mi nevera

Hola amigos, aquí está mi colección de Imanes de Nevera para mi participación en la iniciativa de nuestra amiga @mipiano.

Desde hace muchos años solo tenía en mi nevera el Angelito que me trajo mi tía de Estados Unidos, y que al entregármelo dijo que era para que siempre me cuidara y que su música me alegrara la vida. Ya mi tía tiene noventa y cuatro años y siempre me pregunta si aún lo tengo.

Luego aparecieron el juego de letras de mi nieto que utilizaba la nevera y las letras para aprender a formar palabras sobre él era lo que más se prestaba como pizarra. Recuerdo que con nuestra ayuda sus primeras palabras fueron Papá y Mamá, luego vinieron muchas más, al crecer fue dejando esa práctica y las letras se fueron quedando. Un día se me ocurrió poner su nombre y ahí está de forma permanente y las letras que supervivieron se caían y se perdía el imán y otras que él desaparecía.

La muñequita pequeña, un regalo de una vecina, junto al imán, tenía un ganchito para colgar un pañito, pero lo perdió.

La Geisha, regalo de una compañera que la trajo para mí de uno de sus viajes. Un día me la dejó en casa de otra amiga cuando vino de vacaciones, quien al cabo de casi dos años me la hizo llegar. Es muy linda y le da lucidez a mi nevera, un recuerdo para mí muy preciado.

Varadero, regalo de otra vecina cuando el año pasado fue a varadero y me trajo ese presente, ella sabe que a mí me fascina la playa de Varadero.

Los ajíes creen que llegaron a mí junto a unos pañitos de cocina, regalo por el día de las madres de una de mis hermanas. Como mi nevera está en la cocina son los que más acorde están.

A raíz del viaje de mi hija para México a su maestría fui a recoger su casita y guardar algunas de sus pertenencias y vi en su nevera esos imanes de Madrid y New York y decidí ponerlos en mi nevera hasta tanto ella venga de vacaciones o yo pueda hacérselos llegar. Sé que los recogerá porque son un regalo de sus dos mejores amigas, una que vivía en Madrid y la otra en Estados Unidos.

Como verán hasta para hacer este post, utilicé las letras para escribir esos pequeños mensajes Hive y Hive Cuba. Pensándolo bien es un ejercicio muy bueno para la mente, por lo tanto, creo que me compraré un juego nuevo y lo utilizaré para ejercicio mental. ¿Será buena idea?


Hello friends, here is my collection of Fridge Magnets for my participation in the initiative of our friend @mipiano.

Since many years ago I only had in my fridge the angel that my aunt brought me from the United States, and that when she gave it to me she said it was to always take care of me and that its music would brighten my life. My aunt is now ninety-four years old and she always asks me if I still have it.


Then my grandson's alphabet game came along and he used the refrigerator and the letters to learn to form words on it was what lent itself best as a chalkboard. I remember that with our help his first words were Dad and Mom, then many more, as he grew older he stopped that practice and the letters stuck. One day it occurred to me to put his name and there it is permanently and the letters that survived fell off and the magnet was lost and others he disappeared.

The doll, a gift from a neighbor, next to the magnet, had a hook to hang a handkerchief, but it was lost.

The Geisha, a gift from a colleague who brought it to me from one of her trips. One day she left it at another friend's house when she came on vacation, and after almost two years she sent it to me. It is very pretty and gives brightness to my fridge, a very precious souvenir for me.

Varadero, a gift from another neighbour when she went to Varadero last year and brought me this present, she knows that I love Varadero beach.


The chili peppers, I think came to me along with some kitchen towels, a gift for Mother's Day from one of my sisters. Since my fridge is in the kitchen, they are the ones that fit best.

After my daughter's trip to Mexico for her master's degree I went to pick up her little house and store some of her belongings and I saw these magnets from Madrid and New York on her fridge and I decided to put them on my fridge until she comes on vacation or I can send them to her. I know she will pick them up because they are a gift from her two best friends, one who lived in Madrid and the other in the United States.


As you will see even to make this post, I used the letters to write those Hive and Hive Cuba messages. Thinking about it, it is a very good exercise for the mind, so I think I will buy a new set and use it for mental exercise. Is it a good idea?

All images are my property
Translated with (free version). I also used Grammarly to improve my writing.


I found that little doll at the bottom adorable and I was surprised by those carrot vegetables. What a cute collection of magnets they are super colourful!!!!😍

Dear @avdesing thank you very much for your time and for liking my fridge magnets. As always so attentive. Have a nice week.🥰❤️❤️

So sweet the magnets and their stories, the letters were my favorite, I would have a lot of fun with them (or Buhito would name them haha 😂)

Cheers, nice collection of magnets 😘

Hi, @elbuhito nice to greet you, thanks for stopping by. I imagine Buhito with a set of letters with images and a fridge. how cute ! ❤️🥰

Greetings @mamani, again a new collection, this time of fridge magnets. And as always, which is what I really like, accompanied by a good text full of good memories. Particularly, I liked to see the magnet of Madrid.

A very big greeting.

It took me a while to answer, I was traveling and without connection. Best regards.🤗🥰Thank you for your comments @enraizar.When I was young, my dream was to visit Spain, especially because of the movies I saw and the music. I don't know whether to let my daughter take it with her.

It is never too late, everyone has their own life and occupations and even their own moment of disconnection. I have known Madrid for many years and I am of the opinion that years ago it would have been a great time to live it. Now it has become just another city, a city for tourists. The cinemas on Gran Via are gone, the most typical taverns and bars are now Starbucks or similar things. Sure, there are still things left, the Retiro Park in autumn or the Prado Museum, but it is not the Madrid I knew.

I'm talking about Madrid, from the rest of Spain there are still places worth visiting.

Anyway, if someday you visit us in Madrid you will be very welcome.

Best regards. 🤗

What a beautiful collection you have in your refrigerator and they all mean something, the little angel that your aunt gave you is very cute, I really liked it, the geisha, the images of cities, the chili peppers, a whole collection in your refrigerator 👍🏽❤️

Thank you very much friend @ always so attentive.🥰❤️

Hello Mamani

Thank you for bringing your fridge magnets and the stories they are supported by. The little angel you got from your aunt is lovely, and all the geisha, Varadero and letters bring cheerful vibes. Thank you for your participation in his topic 😇

Thank you very much for your nice comment. I was traveling and that's why I've delayed in interacting. 🥰

It's fine, Mamani, don't worry about the delay. I hope the travel was a nice one ;))

Me encanta tu colección de imanes, sobretodo la Geisha es muy linda. Recuerdo que cuando yo era niña tenía una pizarra con letras con imanes como esas que tienes en tu nevera.

Que satisfacción sentí saber que mis letras de imanes te hayan recordado tu infancia. La Geisha es preciosa le dio un toque especial y colorido a mi nevera. Feliz semana.🥰❤️

Beautiful memories each one brings to your mind. I really liked the angel and the one with the letters is nice to leave riddle-type messages. Kind regards.

How nice that you liked my fridge magnets, and the angel is really beautiful. When I got it as a gift those colors were stronger and very pretty and it's been many years. Thank you. Have a nice week.🤗🥰