🦉 My scarves worn by Buhito 🦉

Although summer is approaching on this side of the planet, there are days when it is quite cool and as Buhito is a bit cold, he does not hesitate to take out his scarves to cover even his feathers. He is constantly renewing his closet, the weather doesn't help him, it's hot, it's cold, it's hot again, it's cold again, during the morning he wraps himself for the cold, after noon he has to undress for the heat, but look at him, while I'm making this post, his frozen feathers are being warmed by this comfortable scarf that he will take it off in the afternoon and change it for a bathing suit.
The weather is as crazy as Buhito!

I was wrong, the weather stayed cool and although the sun is quite hot, Buhito is still feeling cold and I changed the green scarf for a white one that is twice as warm and five times his size. I think it's a little big for him, even for me it's too big, but it's super warm, it is.
Buhito looks like a diva!

Do I see a ghost? Oh, no, it's Buhito wearing one of my scarves, what a scare, he almost gave me a heart attack, he looks like a ghost with that white scarf covering him up to his hollow head. I guess he will wear this scarf to give Bizcochito a few scares, if he hasn't already.
Time to call in the ghost hunters!

How elegant France is! Can anyone tell me where Buhito goes so elegant? And I'm not saying that because of the design of the scarf, but because of the way he puts it on, it looks like the wind is blowing on his and he's posing like a perfume advertising model.
This is material for a music video!

Buhito realized that it's cool outside, so he had to go back to look for a warmer scarf, not as warm as the first two, an intermediate one and what a coincidence that he found this blue scarf ideal for bipolar climates.
The music video is cancelled!

We already know that Buhito eats butterflies and that's why I don't let him out much unsupervised, less at this time of the year, but the strange way he looks at my butterfly scarf is worrying me, what is he thinking?
Find out what happened at the end of the post!

This Sailor Moon scarf was a gift from my sister @aibi93 on one of my birthdays, Buhito really liked the design and the color, but there is a problem, Buhito has no idea how to put it on, I think he made a mess trying to figure it out and got caught in it, I think he feels bad for not knowing how to use it.
I'm not going to help him, let him stay there for a while!

No, Buhito is not looking forward to eating those birds that appear on this scarf, this is something more melancholic, Buhito is seeing those birds flying freely from branch to branch and I think he wants to do the same. It's not that I don't want to let him go, but he is a danger on the loose, he would surely burn down several forests if I let him free.
Let's defend the world from Buhito's demonic feathers!

Two equal scarves that look like Yin and Yang, here we can see the good side of Buhito and the bad side and if we look closely, we will realize that the bad side takes up more space and covers him more than the good side.
Even the scarves know that Buhito is evil!

My protective scarf, no, it doesn't protect me from Buhito, but I use it to cover my violin and protect it from humidity and when I saw it, he told me he wanted to be in the collection, even if it is a little damaged, obviously I didn't refuse because it is very nice and Buhito knows it.
It's already full of feathers, I'll have to wash it!

Another scarf that Buhito doesn't know how to wear, so he sees it and uses it as a bed sheet, lies on it and gets it dirty because now that I remember he hasn't had a shower for several days.
Another scarf I have to wash!

And we come to the end of the post with the revelation of what happened to my butterfly scarf. Indeed, Buhito was looking at those butterflies with a desire to eat them, so he pecked at my scarf in an attempt to devour them and tore it. Buhito doesn't know the difference between what is edible and what is not, so if you invite Buhito to your house, hide everything you can.
He left a tremendous hole, beggar Buhito!
Buhito's social network
️✏️ Text written by me translated with DeeplTranslate free version
📷 Pictures taken by me with my Samsung A03
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Buhito looks sadly at the other birds flying hahaha he had to adapt to his reality
My team of three favorite butterflies
Sailor moon and the one with birds
If he didn't do so much evil, I would let him go free, but no, he is a danger to the world and to himself 😂
He didn't want to break the scarf, you tempted him.
Here he dies of heat buhito all year round it's hot jajaj insesante from time to time it rains
I liked the collection very much and he looks like a divo hahaha it's true
your stories make me laugh a lot
Stella, take me with you, they won't let me eat butterflies 🦉
I'm a feathered divo 🦉
Now you're going to have to sew the scarf... it's my favourite, I want the one with the butterflies... the bird one too but the butterflies are beautiful!!!! But Buhito.... how do you do those things!!!!🤣
I was hungry, Aunt Av, and those butterflies looked juicy, although the taste was not very pleasant, I don't know why my mommy scolded me 🦉
But my life, that's a lot... tell your mummy to give you mice hahahaha
Buhito tenía mucha hambre, después de tanto trabajo como modelo de fotos 🤭 me encantó la bufanda de Sailor Moon. Saludos 🤗
Se ve que tenia mucha hambre, para comerse un pedazo de tela 😂 casi lo devora por completo jaja
Saludos, gracias por tu visita 😘
Buhito is in luck because he has some beautiful scarves to protect himself from the cold or to be elegant... my favourites are two of them: the scarf with lots of butterflies and the one with the landscape with birds. This one in particular in black and white is so nice!
Buhito looks comfortable among those scarves and shawls, even warm, even though it's almost summer here, he's not afraid of anything 😂
My favorite is also the one with the birds, black and white? I haven't tried it that way hehe 👀
Yo lo ví así. Recuerda que tengo los ojos enfermos... Bueno, no sé. Es que no me pongo las medicinas a sus horas. Yo sé que Buhito es loco loquito y hace de las suyas y eso es divertido. Quizás no fue él quien rompió la bufanda de las mariposas... Seguramente lo viste en el momento en que investigaba.
Ahhhh entendi mal 😂 sabes, entendi que la habias descargado para ponerle tú el efecto blanco y negro y que se veia bien jajajajaja deberia irme a dormir 😂
¿O sea que lo acuse injustamente? 💔
I wanted to defend Buhito from all that you were saying about him, look how melancholic he was looking at those free birds and how sweet wrapped in the scarves, even as a ghost, he is cute - but what?! He made a hole in that scarf? Omg, Buhito, Buhito.... what have you done?
Don't be misled by his adorable face, underneath those tender feathers there is a feathered demon devouring scarves, he has an obsession with butterflies 🦉 and on top of that he had the nerve to deny it when it was clearly him in the photo 😂
I died with the Sailor scarf!!!! Every girl should have one like that🤩🥰😅. I loved how Buhito was looking at those butterflies, he sure was imagining a feast.
They are all very cute, although as you say the weather is getting weirder and weirder. 🦉🌹🧣
The Sailor Moon scarf is very nice, it has all the Sailor Moon power pins and a nice color, even if I don't know how to wear it haha 😂
Yes, indeed, the cheeky one did feast on my scarf, begging owl eater 😂
The weather is crazy like Buhito 😵
Cada vez que pienso que buhito no puede ser más tierno, aparece con un nuevo accesorio que lo hace aún más cuchi 🤗, ñu míooo, esas bufandas le quedan geniales, amé la de mariposas (aunque se la comió que horror 😱🤣) y la que tiene un diseño de ramas 🍃, se ve muy fashion ese búho sinvergüenza 😁. Saludos, bella 💚.
Buhito siempre tiene un az bajo las plumas y es asi como convence a todos de que es un ser tierno y adorable, pero todos sabemos que detras de su ternura, hay un emplumado endemoniado jajaja él es el Krampowl 😂 una prueba es que me comio la de mariposas, mendigo buho gloton jajajaja😂
Muchas gracias bella, saludos 😘🦉
Me identifico con Buhito lindo porque yo siento frío todo el año!🤭😅 Por ejemplo, ayer hubo mucho sol, pero con una brisa muy fría y hoy amaneció nublado. Así que le pediré a mi amigo emplumado que comparta sus bufandas conmigo! Jeje!
Me gusta como se ve con la primera bufanda, parece un pez Coi y la verdad se vé muy tierno envuelto en todas ellas, bueno menos en las que no sabe cómo usar!🥰
Por otro lado, me imagino la cara de susto de bizcochito cuando vió a Buhito con esa bufanda blanca, pero yo creo que mi lindo emplumado parece un angelito! Jeje
En cuanto a la bufanda de mariposas, yo creí que ellas terminarían devorando a Buhito porque son muchas, pero ya me di cuenta que no se aguantó y te rompió la bufanda. Sin dudas, tiene un problema para saber lo que es comida y lo que no.
Me dió mucha tristeza viéndolo tan nostálgico contemplando la bufanda de las aves volando. Se nota que quiere hacer lo mismo, ser libre, pero tú tienes razón, mejor es tenerlo controlado porque ya sabemos sus planes malvados de conquistar el mundo!
Por cierto, me parece muy bien que cuides con tanto amor tu violín. 🎻
Gracias, mi Yami! Me encantó tu colección de bufandas, son todas hermosas!🥰
jajajaja bueno, ya somos 3 los que sufrimos mucho el frio, hace una brisita fresca y ya estoy temblando de frio 😂 Buhito te prestara la bufanda blanca, es super calentita y entran dos personas en ella de lo grande que es 😂
Bizcochito se llevo el susto de su vida, haya sido intencional o no, yo creo que se vengo de cierta forma 😂 me gusta Buhito fantasma ❤️
Las mariposas temen de él, por mas que sean un monton, no pueden contra el apetito sin fin de Buhito y me arruino mi bufanda, como si yo no lo alimentara, jum 😶 jajaja
Si algun dia Buhito deja a un lado su deseo de destruir el mundo y quemarlo todo, quiza hasta considere dejarlo en libertad y que vuele por donde él quiera, aunque tenga miedo a las alturas 🦉 por mientras, mejor tenerlo vigilado jaja
Muchas gracias por dejarme tu bonito comentario mi bella Zu, aprecio tus visitas y siempre es un placer leerte 😊❤️ ten bonito dia 😘🦉