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RE: my MUG collection and some of their STORIES

in Hive Collectors β€’ 10 months ago

Hahaha, what a nice comment you made there with your own story using some of the keywords πŸ₯°
I suppose the delay in my collections in this community started already before the community was established, officially. Since I told MiPiano I will contribute. Though I may not be quick. And when she started the theme months, I told her again, I intend to respond, but I may mix all up in terms of timelines and content since rules and guidelines are for me to break, most of the time πŸ˜†
Owww the number of minutes for all these words? Well, plenty of them, but had great fun in spending all those πŸ™ƒ

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Β 10 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

I asked you the minutes because I remembered a post where you asked me the same question and even challenged me to write drunk.
I would drink some alcohol in a mug, oh Shedjespeare, to drink or not to drink... πŸ˜… and that would be purrrrrrrrrrfect for writing about guidelines made to be broken.

πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ I'm going to sleep for about 4 hours.


Good memory you have! πŸ™ƒ
Writing drunk: One of those silly proposals I can make 😱
But did you try? πŸ˜† Perhaps I shall send you the purrrrrrfect one so you can execute the proposed πŸ™ƒ
Night night!

πŸ˜‰ I didn't try... yet. πŸ‘‹πŸ»