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RE: Special key rings, handmade, gifts and with history. 😍

in Hive Collectors2 days ago

I just saw this post and that of @elbuhito and I wonder how they preserve them? I don't have anything... my keys are just keys without anything else. Ah! True... my cats.. 😅 But you also have bird cats and you still have them. I can't even have magnets with mine. They are beautiful!

Acabo de ver esta publicación y la de @elbuhito y me pregunto ¿Cómo las conservan? Yo no tengo nada... mis llaves solo son llaves sin nada mas ¡Ah! Cierto... mis gatos.. 😅 Pero vos tambien tenes gatos avesilla y aun las conservas. Yo con los míos no puedo tener ni imanes ¡Están hermosas!



I have them in a box and the one I use every day in my bag hahahahahaha if I have cats .... they touch them if I leave them on the table hahahaha


Tus gatos estan endemoniados, amigos de Buhito 🦉