Oh yeah hi there,
I'm quite a ADHD personality and I just decided to create new community, because why the hell not.
And that is where I ran into trouble and there is no guidebook in interwebs.
So I have currently two problems
- I can't change the community profile pic, I don't see any option anywhere
- I have no hecking idea how you post as your community, it just automatically publishes on my account and not on the community :(
- probably some other problem that I have not spotted yet.
So if anyone knows, please help :D
Hive - you really need to make this site more user friendly, it can´t be like this every time - things are complicated for the average user.
So why you should post on this ne community? Well, it´s inclusive and there are really no rules.
If you would like to be admin, hit me up and I will make it happen.
Here is the short welcome post.
So yeah, welcome to this dumpster fire called Moments of Life.
**This right here is like real ass moment yeah. **
Welcome to this new community called Moments of Life that is barely 30 minutes old.
You are most welcome to share here any moments, long or short and there are really no rules.
Your post can be just a photo, long story, short story, poem or what ever your heart wishes to share.
So welcome! I hope to see plenty of moments in here :)
Moi Pauliina
To post from the community, you will have to use the account of the community - the one you got when you created it. To make it easier, use Keychain and add another account there so you can switch between the two.
I will drop some images here to help you change the picture :)
I fucked up! I thought that the community will be linked somehow to this account and i did not realize it will create whole new account. I paid no attention whatssoever and now that account name is hive-180612......
I got already reccomendation to create other new account, name it as moments of life and link it to the community.
Im pretty sure there was no warnings anywhere about creation of a new account. Hive sucks sometimes honestly
It gives you the keys for the account, or at least it did for me. Did you do it through peakd?
Yeah it gave me the key after I pressed "create", but I did not understand at any point that I was making new account. I named my commynity -> pressed next & paid 3 hives and created this hot mess.
Yeah, it really does not clarify anything. not my actual key, dont worry
Well, I will make tutorial tomorrow, maybe it will help someone not to mess up
But there is a checkbox!!
It is not the end of the world :)
Go slow.