Making corn fritters from the results Harvest yourself


Hello vegan friends, meet again in healthy and delicious cooking. This time I want to cook from Results own garden.That is cooking fried food from corn Those are young,Make a snack to accompany Drink your morning tea. If the corn is still youngThe corn can be boiled or fried Using flour.

The corn I harvested is three months old So young and tender,When the corn is old it will be hard.I only take what I need for cooking.Because corn is usually harvested when it is old,Usually to make other food Ingredient when the corn is old, it can be sold.Sold when it is six months old, so it will be harvested in about three months Again.

I made it with simple spices.The ingredients are.


. 1 Sweet corn
. 5 tablespoons of wheat flour
. 1 stalk of spring onion
. 2 cloves of garlic
. 4 cloves of garlic
. Salt and seasoning to taste


Slice the corn.and finely chop the garlic and shallots.


After the corn has been sliced, add the ground spices, sliced spring onions,Garam and seasoning to taste.


Stir the corn mixture until smooth. Then prepare a frying pan and heat the cooking oil. Once hot, Back and forth fry the corn Dough until it is cooked and brown.


This is the result of fried sweet corn. It tastes sweet from the corn.It also tastes crispy and delicious.Eaten with chili sauce, it is even more delicious.

See you again with my Laen cooking review.I hope my vegan friends like the simple dishes I made This.


About the author

Titis Sumiati is an ordinary woman who has dreams.But his ambition is only to become a mather and a good wife. Through this platform he wants to Learn many things and become a content A good writer, who hopes his writing is liked Many people.